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Posted By: Aaron

Posted On: Dec 5, 2002
Views: 1035
n/a: already dead

As far as I'm concerned, Final Fantasy 6 was the last game in the series.

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 5, 2002
Views: 1029
RE: n/a: already dead

Why do people insist FF6 was the best in the series? It really wasn't. And FF4 was horrible. FF7 was the best in the series. It's not like it was and still is the most popular FF in the series. Best story, way beter than 6's, and most emotional and well developed characters. Sorry to vent out like this, but people who put down the best in the series are really starting to irritate me. They say 7 is over-rated. 6 is WAY over-rated.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Dec 5, 2002
Views: 1026
RE: n/a: already dead

If you're complaining that so many people like FF6 better, then how can you FF7 was more popular? I know more people who like 4 and 6, than any of them, though I heard 10 was good.

Posted By: *HELZ*

Posted On: Dec 5, 2002
Views: 1024
RE: n/a: already dead

All the FFs be4 FF8 suks!!!!!!!!! 9 is kewl and 10 rulz! but 11 seems suk. i rejon theyre gettin worse after 10

Posted By: chris

Posted On: Dec 6, 2002
Views: 1022
RE: RE: n/a: already dead

I think every FF after 7 sux bigtime I loved 4 5 6 and 7. 8 9 and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 all suck

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 6, 2002
Views: 1015
RE: n/a: already dead

I'm saying too many people are using the old school nostalgia when saying that 6 was better than 7 because they can't go of the past. There's a reason why 7 is the most popular. And I never said 6 was bad. As a matter of fact, it's damn good. Not as goog as 7 though.

Posted By: FlameDragn

Posted On: Dec 7, 2002
Views: 998
RE: n/a: already dead

I think its funny when people INSIST one of the games is better than another, and then get all ****y when someone disagrees with them. It's a matter of personal opinion people. Ease up. As for the series, I hope it doesn't end. I've loved every game so far and I think any future games will be good as well. They may or not be BETTER than a particular game in the series in my opinion, but they will probably still be good.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Dec 7, 2002
Views: 992
RE: n/a: already dead

No... you don't understand. You're saying that FF 7 is most popular, but then you say you're sick of so many people saying 6 is the best. If 7 were the most popular, everyone would be saying it's the best. I haven't played 7 yet, b/c I'm still trying to get ahold of a PS or PS2, but I do like 6 alot (not just b/c of the nostalgia). If you like 7 better, that's fine, but I kind of wonder about it being the most popular b/c alot of people I know (many of whom loved X) said they preferred 4 and 6 to 7, 8, and 9. They might like the format of the older games more, or they might like the storylines better, but either way, it's their opinion, and you can't dictate it.

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 7, 2002
Views: 981
RE: n/a: already dead

Meh. I say SO many people in reference to FF6 because it's basically the most popular next to 7. If not, it's close to 10. But like you say, it's all down to opinion. I wasn't getting all *****y, I was lashing out due to people putting down the newer games for no reason which I can comprehend. I find they are mostly the older crowd, hence my comment about nostaligia. Anyway, whatever floats your boat, or something.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Dec 8, 2002
Views: 970
RE: n/a: already dead

As I said, before FF7 may or may not be a good game, but either way, I've seen no evidence of it being the most popular. It doesn't matter if people like 6 more b/c it's older, they still like it more. Personally, I'd think if it were really nostalgia, they'd be going on about the first one, and many of my friends who have just started RPGs seem to like the older ones better, despite playing the newer ones first. One of my friends played one of the more recent ones and gave up on it after two or three levels b/c she said she felt like they were handing her everything through the cinema scenes. That isn't nostalgia. She'd never played any other ones. Just b/c you don't agree with someone, doesn't mean you should accuse them of living in the past. They could just as soon accuse you of thinking if it's newer it must be better.

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 9, 2002
Views: 967
RE: RE: n/a: already dead

Yes, they could. And they have every right to. Nonetheless, FF7 is in fact the ost popular to this day. Ask any expert and they'll tell you. Why do you think Square is considering making a sequel (though I think this is a very bad idea)? Because of the tremendous uproar of FF7 fans demanding a sequel. Hopefully it will never happen, but this speaks for how popular it is.

You could've just said she played FFX and was turned off by the cinematics, we all knew it's what you were talking about. While I do agree that it's cinema plagued, it's meant to enhance the story. That is what I look for most in a good RPG. If not that,what reason is there to play it? Simply to battle? No thanks. So in conclusion, I said before that I agree with you. It's a matter of opinion. Bleh.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Dec 9, 2002
Views: 964
RE: n/a: already dead

No, it wasn't X. This was before it came out... I think it was VII or VIII, and I have asked experts and taken polls myself... the results didn't come out like that. Please do us both a favor and don't make assumptions. And no, cinema scenes do not make an RPG. Play D&D sometime... no movies. RPG stands for "Role Playing Game", which means you go out and find information yourself and make decisions. You can have the story required without the endless cinema scenes, and it doesn't say much if all it has is graphics, which is the whole point of CSs. As for the sequel, that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with popularity. I can name a number of movies, books, ect. that had sequels but weren't very popular. The biggest complaints I've heard about XII were that the ending wasn't very good, but as I said, I can't say it's a good or bad game b/c I haven't played it, though I don't have much interest in it if all it has is good graphics.

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 9, 2002
Views: 962
RE: n/a: already dead

How can you compare those other types of media to a video game franchise like FF? It's not like making a sequel to a FF game is common place. In fact, guess what, it never happened. That is until X came aroud with all of it's popularity to what is most likely due to graphics. And it wasn't FF7 she was talking about, it had a max of 5 or 6 CG movies across the span of a 60+ hour game a first timers way through. You tell me to research before I make assumptions, but from what I gather by your comments, you haven't played much of he FF series at all. I just saw the poll on this site and the results. FF6 was ahead. But this is coming from a site called "RPG Classics". Would you like proof? You can go to another site called GameFaqs and see for yourself. It's a VERY large community and more than enough to hold an accurate average for popularity of games.

God. Maybe game companies should go back to the days of the snes and use those type of graphical capabilites. Then they could just stick to cut scenes and please those who have a phobia for CG movie clips.

Anyway, I don't see the point in arguing over this any longer. I appreciate all the FF games. Better yet, I appreciate all RPGs as it is my favorite genre. As I stated before, I enjoy the story elements of a game. Whether it's through normal, character to character dialog, or through CG movies. Long live RPGs as a whole. Let's just agree on that much.

Posted By: Sylvan Elf

Posted On: Dec 9, 2002
Views: 960
RE: n/a: already dead

There you go again... I didn't say don't make assumptions without research... I was talking about not making assumptions about me. You just made another one. I've been playing FF since the first one came out; I just don't have a PS or PS2 yet, so I've only gotten to play so much of the more recent ones. And yes, it is comparable b/c sequels to games do happen all the time, whether the original ones were all that popular or not. Further more, places like GameFaqs tend to have more newer gamers who haven't played the I-VI than older ones.

Furthermore, I never said there was anything wrong with good graphics. I said they didn't make a good RPG. Technically, Pokemon Stadium has pretty good graphics, but it isn't an RPG. I'm sorry that it seems you can't handle a debate without getting offended; it wasn't my intention to upset you. I just like a good, friendly argument.

The fact is, you started going on about FF6 being overrated when many people consider it to be one of the best RPGs of all time, and few say that about 7. Sites about classic RPGs are good places to go b/c you find people who have played older as well as newer games. FF7 has been out for awhile, but the PS2 version of IV and VI just came out not all that long ago. The newer gamers may not have played them.

I do love RPGs, whether the graphics are amazing or it has images where you can count the pixels... but you've spent most of the time going on about cinema scenes, which just aren't a top priority to me and certainly don't sway me to your end of the argument. Science Fiction/Fantasy RPG is my favorite game genre, and I've played very few bad ones. So I agree with you on that, but it's not what we were talking about. I just don't agree with the idea that 7's the most popular b/c I've seen things that suggest otherwise. *shrugs* If you don't want to continue, that's fine. I have finals coming up, and I should probably be studying, anyway.

Posted By: SPaDe

Posted On: Dec 9, 2002
Views: 956
RE: n/a: already dead

Ok. First of all, I'm not upset. It takes a lot to get me upset and like you I do enjoy a good debate. Secondly, I hadn't stated anything about CG until your comment about them in a previous post. Thirdly, GameFaqs is actually full of more classic gamers than with new age gamers.

Ok enough with the intoductory words. I agree with the fact that FF6 is one of the best RPGs of all time. That doesn't mean it can't be over-rated, however. The fact is, FF7 made the series what it is today. Speaking in terms of popularity, not quality, of course. Here in the US, anyway. I don't know if you live here but that's the story here. FF6 didn't create that buzz when it came out, but then again FF7 was advertised like hell. Hm. I seem to be coming off like a FF7 fanboy. I like them all basically. So that should be all that's important.

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