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Posted By: Laughing at the ************

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 4266

Hey BGP I want to take this public space to tell you what a blas t your mods are. Very in depth and well thought out. Totally immersive. Thanks.
Yup, Sleeping Giant is just ******* in a general way, or trolling. Sure popularity and quality dont always match up in where mass market is concerned (although, you must admit even if she is a 'ho, Christina A has a very nice voice) on this level low of grass roots support the example of 'popular=crap' doesnt work. Britney S has a GIANT company behind her (LoL think about it) with lots of money pushing her work into Americas homes. Here quality rises above everything else.
Rock on.

Posted By: NWN player

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 3658
Sleeping Giant what are you talking about?

Hey Sleeping Giant who are these best authors that aren't included?

I see a great deal of talent up there. Maybe you could give a list of what you consider the best modules.

I think you are just ****ed off in a general sort of way. LOL

Posted By: B G P Hughes

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 3650
A big thanks

Thanks to everyone who has voted for my mods - I reckon nearly half of you who have rated my mods, have also come back to include them in the Mod of the Year competition - I'm very flattered.

Posted By: Sleeping Giant

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 2346
Quite Frankly

Well, the top mod authors may be the ones named, but that doesn't make them the best, just the most popular. It just means more people have played their pulp. Britney Spears is very popular too, but that doesn't make her good.

I think Rick might actually be up there, but really, who gives a ****?

Posted By: Jaxtrasi

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 2508

He didn't say that no XP for combat was essential, he said that Dreamcatcher's success proves that XP for combat is not essential. It's "proof" that a module can be overwhelmingly successful even if it doesn't use XP for combat. It doesn't show that a module must not use XP for combat, but it does show that the naysayers who blarney on that no module should ever not use XP for combat are very wrong.

Posted By: tiefling

Posted On: Jan 17, 2004
Views: 2387
Many good modules

Glad we can vote for more than one module. Quite a few modules on that list that I've enjoyed immensely.

If I could only vote for one then I whould most likely choose Dreamcatcher. Just slighly better overall, IMO.

Having well developed and interesting henchmen is important to me since I mostly focus on singleplayer. Of course, the rest of the module have to be good too :)

Posted By: Ikselam

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2819
Less is more, sometimes.

I liked Dreamcatcher a lot. I also liked Penultima a lot. The reason I decided to vote for Penultima is that it had less of a "golly-wow" factor. A lot of the things which Adam Miller did in Dreamcatcher were impressive and original, but, at times, I felt that they were slightly gratuitous. There was never really a moment in Penultima where I felt like custom content was jumping out and clobbering me in the face; I voted for it because it did more with less, which appeals to my aesthetic better than just doing MORE.

Posted By: Laughing at the whining people

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2578
Fair vote& everyone's opinion

How is this not a fair vote?
No one is being forced to vote for any one mod. Besides, who cares.
Vote for the mod you like. Give them your support, and stop complaining. Its not like anything real or important is at stake here.

Personally I love Midnight out of all the mods, but if it wins or doesnt, big deal. It wont take away from how much I like the mod just because the overall community doesnt agree with me.
BFD, life goes on.
You want to let the Modder know how much you appreciate all the hours of hard work making something that brought you alot of enjoyment, then post a heartfelt 'thanks' to them, or send them an email. Dont go on and on crybabying. Its silly and unproductive.

Posted By: Steel_Wind

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2664
The Theme is Good Story Telling

I disagree. I don't think the fact the Dreamcatcher is winning has anything to do with how it is linear. The things that make dreamcatcher interesting are:

(1) Fantastic custom content.;

(2) Overall "good". There's no element 'missing'.

(3) You can play as any class or alignment and not feel like you're living someone else's life.

I certainly agree that XP need not be given out for monster kills, but I think the 500,000 downloads of witch's wake may have proved that, too.


The top mod authors in the community are Adam Miller, Stef Gagne and Rick Burton. We all know that - and if you had asked the question easrlier in the week - we all would have expected that as the likely answer.

What each share in common are the ability to deliver stories, good dialog and engaging henchmen to interact with.

DC has done so well because it does all of those 3 things better than its competitors. And most certainly a strong use of CC.

Those who argue against haks are in the minority on this website and while they are vocal, in the end, that opinion will NEVER carry the day.

One comment however: The suggestion that open ended class structure and "not living someone else's life" are underscored design elements in the poll is a false reading. Both EE2 and Twilight are story driven and Twilight in particular restricts alignment and class. Nevertheless, both have done exceedingly well. To interpret the results to promote your pet peeve is not a fair reading of the results.

Likewise, Monsters and XP is irrelevant and a red herring. The story and dialog make the mod.

Posted By: Another View

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2392

I stopped playing DC strictly because it gave no XP for combat. The fact that it has 17% of the vote as opposed to 100% tells you that it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Posted By: Kezran

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2391
Are you mad? Forgotten about Penultima already?

Bohooo! *cries like a baby*

Penultima ReRolled has all that Dreamcatcher's got but with better and more orignal storyline, though not as much custom-content I admit...

If you haven't guessed yet, I voted for Penultima ReRolled - by the module master, "STEFAN GAGNE"!(yep, I'm a fan)

Posted By: Jeremy Sharpe

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2309
No real surprise...

Although Dreamcatcher isn't really my thing, I think that it deserves to win, simply because it, in my opinion, has been the most popular mod ever, so far. Also, it remains first overall, just above Excrucio Eternum, and that has to tell you something. Personally, I voted for EE2 and a couple of other things.

Posted By: Mith

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2244
I disagree

I disagree. I don't think the fact the Dreamcatcher is winning has anything to do with how it is linear. The things that make dreamcatcher interesting are:

(1) Fantastic custom content. The dragon ride, the dream sequences, the thrown flaming sword, the jump over the chasm, the awesome dungeon (including luring monsters into the wall saw), were just amazing. It absolutely raised the bar. And honestly, if you played Dreamcatcher and then SoU OC, which module seems to have a greater mastery of the NWN tools?

(2) Overall "good". There's no element 'missing'. The encounters are balanced in both difficulty and pacing. The dialogue is good. There are good custom items with interesting backstory. The story is interesting enough to hold attention, although you're in the dark in general about what's going on; which is a good trick, really, since otherwise the plot might seem shallow. (even though Shadowlords was less tuned overall, I thought its storyline was a bit better)

(3) You can play as any class or alignment and not feel like you're living someone else's life.

All in all, it becomes a module where every moment something might surprise and delight you, and overall, you are left wanting to see what happens next.

I certainly agree that XP need not be given out for monster kills, but I think the 500,000 downloads of witch's wake may have proved that, too.

Posted By: Commentator

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2337
what makes a good SP mod? read this

The fact that Dreamcatcher is winning (and most likely *WILL* win) should prove a number of things to the community, as far as solo mods are concerned:

- linear, non-freeform modules are the best
- players like mods with romances
- (as per above) players like to have an emotional connection with their PC and with the prominent NPCs
- custom content is goooooood (HAKs)
- players like *originality* and *polish*

I think the last one is perhaps most important, because builders in general seem to think giving XP for combat is the thing to do. :(

Posted By: Ryuujin

Posted On: Jan 16, 2004
Views: 2398

I'm surprised to see EE2 is scoring so low, that's truly the best module I've played to date...

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