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Post InfoTOPIC: A question; for everyone; even Keith.
Posted By: Zack

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1587
A question; for everyone; even Keith.

I always like getting opinions from as many people as I can. And it would definately be benifical to get one from the great and skeptical Keith.

Despite the theories of conciousness. Despite the rumors of psychic powers and tele-powers. There is still a question in my mind that no article nor arguement nor scientist can ever satisfy to be an answer. This question is also the answer to the question of whether phenomina can actually happen.

Let me ask you to open your mind up on this question because it needs an open mind to be understood.

The question: What is our connection to life? How are we connected to our body? Is our conciousness a unique entity or is it just a hardwired unique phenomena in our brain? You would think that it is a unique entity. Because the only thing I cannot explain nor can find answers to, is what is our connection to our human life, to this world? Is our body a camera for this entity? I believe if this question can be solved. Then the question of whether the ability of psychic and tele powers can be answered.

Summarize it up. What is the connection? Is there a connection? And why is there a connection?

If unique entities is a plausible theory. Then the idea of ghosts and the probability of their existance goes up. The probability of aliens. The probability of life after death. Blah blah blah. I am not trying to imply anything.

I feel that this question will never have any answers. Which is why I feel it could be the only phenomena I can actually agree to. And this is probably why I will never have an absolutte answer for tele powers and psy powers.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1586
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

As you are no doubt aware, nobody can tell you what " conciousness" actually is.
You are asking in effect "what is self?"
We don't know is the short answer.
If that answer gives you enough scope to believe that TK and other paranormal powers are possible, then that is your choice.
We are all free to make our own decisions on what we feel makes sense to us.
However, trying to explain to others why we hold certain believes may be problematic!

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1581
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Well. Something that cannot be scientifically explained is a phenomenon.

- An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel.

If the variable- conciousness is something that cannot be defined. Then it opens a thought that perhaps there are other phenomenons connected with this undefined variable.

There is also the chance that somewhere in the future, conciousness may be defined in a scientific variable in it's self. But then again, probability is against this theory. Just like probability is against telekinesis.

I also want to clarify that these theories (like any theory) are just that, theories. I am not stating that I believe in something more than the other. I am stating that there is a 'could' operator involved.

Course, even if conciousness is a remote controlling entity. That still does not make tele-phenomenons and psy-phenomenons something to be possible. But it gives the rank of probability a nudge up.

Any more thoughts everybody?

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1576
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Problems are opportunities in diguise.One who speaks does not know, one who knows does not speak.

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1575
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

.................................What was that Keith? No body? Do you use your hands, or do you use your mind? No one can ever understand this life unless you are one with the universe.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1571
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

I understand this life.
I am the universe.
I am also half Pis sed at the moment.
Is that okay?

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: May 27, 2005
Views: 1566
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.


So what is the point of your analysis? How do you become one with the universe? And how is it if you are one with the universe- you know all the answers?

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: May 31, 2005
Views: 1525
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Well since we have no evidence for TK so far, and none of the theories so far are solid... I'd rather not try making another dodgy theory :)

It's fair to say that there's a lot we do not know that may indeed confirm telekinesis in future. As soon as science attains this attitude of 'we know it all', it get's a nice suprise soon after. I see quantum mechanics as a good example of this ... it really is wierd stuff.

Can QM explain phenomena? Hard to say. Thus far there's no reason to believe so, but many TKers place their hope in such things.

Personally, I avoid the theories as much as possible for the time being, and simply experiment.

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 3, 2005
Views: 1485
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

> Placebo

It is your choice to do so.
The word theory is a fancy word for an incomplete formula of variables in mathematical terms.

I know how you people like World of Warcraft, and I am going to use it as an example. In order to develop a game, it starts off with a producer's discovery.

Blizzard (the company behind World of Warcraft), already has a large group of developers (100-200). The producer did not have to search long and hard for the writer, the art director, the cinematic director, and so on. The producer created this theory that they could develop a massive multiplayer online game that is in relationship of their previous game Warcraft.

But his theory cannot be completed until the group of directors come in and help him make the formula more complete, after all, a computer program is just a formulated math problem. The writer, sits down with the producer and talks about how the story should go, the writer helps complete the formula 'World of Warcraft (WoW)'.

Now the producer, will then go over to the art director's cubical, and sit down with him. He then goes over what type of units would be cool. The writer would be in the same room too. Giving some of the ideas he has based on the story he wrote. The formula becoming more complete.

This goes on and on, until the formula is complete, and sent to the computer store, where you purchase it.

Therefore, what I am getting at, the producer could not have completed the formula himself. World of Warcraft is just too much to program for just one guy to do it.

People constantly look at incomplete formulas to see if they have what it takes to finish it. To make a theory into reality. That is why we have science labs. Science labs, are what takes the formula and try to make it into a reality. Maybe they need to turn the formula around, put x where y is. Sometimes the scientists are not capable of figuring out the formula. Like how the universe started, if it did actually start. They continue to investigate it, but it remains as a few theories, the popular one, the big bang theory. It is an incomplete formula; a theory.

Personally, I avoid the theories as much as possible for the time being, and simply experiment.

So, if you try to avoid theories, you are not interested. Therefore any many opinions you do not deserve what the future beholds.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Jun 4, 2005
Views: 1475
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

>> So, if you try to avoid theories, you are not
>> interested. Therefore any many opinions you
>> do not deserve what the future beholds

No not at all. I'm just wary of getting hopeful of any of them, because none of them seem likely or plausible to me.

I enjoy thinking about them, but I simply don't have an alternative that I'm happy enough with to share on a page like this ;)

For the time being, I'm trying to examine the behaviour of things like this, and will hold off on presenting theories until I can conceive of a reasonable one.

Posted By: Eheheheheh...

Posted On: Jun 5, 2005
Views: 1469
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Stop asking questions!

Questions are bad for you, the smartest people don't ask questions. Albert Einstine didn't ask questions. Leave the facts to the smart people, and just live your stupid little life as is.

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 6, 2005
Views: 1465
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

> Eheheheheh...

The question was irrelevant. IT was to prove a point that conciousness cannot be defined. Therefor is a phenomenon.

Plus, as I had said before, theories are an incomplete formula. It basically means it is a question. So Einstein did ask questions. So did the other 'great minds' you try to think up.

Plus, who says there are no great minds here? You are a retard. Go eat baby food.

Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Jun 7, 2005
Views: 1461
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

What Zack said ;)

Posted By: Peter Flack

Posted On: Jun 7, 2005
Views: 1458
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Yes, me again. The paranormal exists through 4 forms. The paranormal cannot be proven to exist in the physical world, simply because once it is - it is no longer considered paranormal. This is my challenge. I may succeed.

Posted By: Zack

Posted On: Jun 7, 2005
Views: 1454
RE: A question; for everyone; even Keith.

Tomorrow will always be tomorrow. That is why you must live 'today'. Paranormal becomes science once you observe it, but only for you. Unanswered questions can become answered, but only for you.

Each time you answer a question you gain a point of experience. Experience, is science. You are the tool of science.

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