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Post InfoTOPIC: whats holdin ya back?
Posted By: jimbo

Posted On: Oct 2, 2006
Views: 1556
whats holdin ya back?

straight to the point....if you claim to have these powers please go prove it asap or quit arguing about this like little children!!!!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 3, 2006
Views: 1549
RE: whats holdin ya back?

That's the problem, they can't prove it, all they can do is talk about it.
Go figure.

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 4, 2006
Views: 1544
RE: whats holdin ya back?

Be reasonable. If people don't want to do something (for whatever reason) then they won't, unless they are forced.

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 4, 2006
Views: 1542
RE: whats holdin ya back?

And why do you think that the only reason people aren't willing to be tested is because they can't do it? Perhaps (if they can do it, that is) they have better things to do with their lives?

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Oct 4, 2006
Views: 1538
RE: whats holdin ya back?


What sort of moronic comment is that???
Are you just plain stupid or something? So many people claim to have TK yet for some unknown reason none of you can be bothered to come out and prove it once and for all...I wonder why that is!!! Whats even funnier is that moron's like you turn around and say something daft like "maybe people have better things to do with their lives". Give over...if they had better things to do with there life they wouldn't always claim to have TK in the first place.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 4, 2006
Views: 1533
RE: whats holdin ya back?

"...Give over...if they had better things to do with their life they wouldn't always claim to have TK in the first place..."

Couldn't agree more.
Its funny how much time and effort so many people spend claiming they have TK yet not one of them can spare the time and effort to prove it. Not one!
Funny that.

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 4, 2006
Views: 1528
RE: whats holdin ya back?

Please stop assuming I claim I can do tk. I can't. I have never claimed to be able to, nor will I if life continues for me as it has done so far. Yes, I believe it is a possiblity, but that is not the same thing.

Now, onto your comments.

"So many people claim to have TK yet for some unknown reason none of you can be bothered to come out and prove it once and for all...I wonder why that is!!!"

Come on. I can play the violin. Why don't I jump on a concert stage and play a solo in front of a packed audience at the Barbican? Because I am not good enough to entertain the paying public at that level. It's the same for many violinists on this planet. That, however, does not mean we can't play the thing.

"Whats even funnier is that moron's like you turn around and say something daft like "maybe people have better things to do with their lives""

How am I a moron?

"Give over...if they had better things to do with there life they wouldn't always claim to have TK in the first place. "

Ok. So you are saying that a well-paid person (hypothetically) who was a Christian would be equally stupid, because the existence of God has not been proved either, and the effect they claim God has on their lives might be caused by something natural?

I'm quite interested that you pounced on my second comment and not my first, which is, "If people don't want to do something (for whatever reason) then they won't, unless they are forced."

Is that a more difficult option to deal with?

Posted By: Grant

Posted On: Oct 5, 2006
Views: 1516
RE: whats holdin ya back?

Eh what the heck are you on about woodpecker??

You could stand in the middle of the streets and play the violin for all I care. Playing an musical instrument is a known FACT to many of people such as yourself, I don't need to see or do I need to argue it's existance it's just there plain and simple. TK on the other hand is not a FACT so please don't compare the two because they're not the same, I hardly see people wanting to demonstrate TK that's for sure and especially not to a crowd of people. I don't care how good people are at performing so called TK, it only takes one to come out and prove the critics wrong and they can't even do that. Any open mind such as yourself should be able to realise that it just aint going to happen, TK just does not exist.

You wonder why I called you a moron!!! Read your comments.

Oh this is just a classic,

Your quote "Ok. So you are saying that a well-paid person (hypothetically) who was a Christian would be equally stupid, because the existence of God has not been proved either, and the effect they claim God has on their lives might be caused by something natural?"

Now your comparing God and TK!?!?! PLEASE....what is it your struggling to grasp. TK is something people claim to DO...and if someone claim they can do something then they should be able to demonstrate it (and not with fine wire that you can hardly be seen). The existance of God is based on people's faith, it can never be proven or disproven. Before you ask no I don't believe in God.

Oh my God this just gets better,

Your quote "....I'm quite interested that you pounced on my second comment and not my first, which is, "If people don't want to do something (for whatever reason) then they won't, unless they are forced."

Is that a more difficult option to deal with?...."

Oh i'm sorry Woodpecker, sorry I didn't ridicule for every daft comment you said!!! The comment was that ridiculous I didn't consider it worthy of a reply but as you insist on it I will...Your comment "If people don't want to do something (for whatever reason) then they won't, unless they are forced." :D HILARIOUS i'm just going to stop typing for a bit because i'm in so much pain from laughing to hard.................................................................... ...........................thats better! Well for starters I hardly see why so many people who claim to have TK would ALL have a reason not to prove TK, surely one of them would want to share the big secret. Why the heck would we want to force them to demonstate TK :) they either want to show us or they don't. Just how would we force them I wonder... kidnap them and chuck them in the back of a van, then take them to some secluded area and beat them until they demonstrate TK :).

Come on Woodpecker, tired of your constant excuses for the existance of TK. Try looking at the evidence for once.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 5, 2006
Views: 1514
RE: whats holdin ya back?

I agree with all you say.
It would only take ONE person to prove that TK existed, just one would be enough, yet not one will come forward to be tested.
If they could really do it (stops to have a laugh)then they would, instead of endlessly going on about how they can do it but won't, for various ridiculous reasons.
Their arguments sound like children in a playground... "of course I can fly, but I don't have to prove it to you, I know I can and so does the good fairy".
Yes, their arguments really are that daft!
TK does not exist.
I am totally amazed that there are people out there who think it does. Did they have their logic cells surgically removed at birth?
How can they be so taken in by a myth?

Posted By: Helen

Posted On: Oct 5, 2006
Views: 1506
RE: RE: whats holdin ya back?

Have any of you ever heard of Uri Geller. Hello he has made demonstration where he has used tk to bend spoons, keys etc... u guyspick and choose your facts to support your own opinion itis stupid. Try to disproove your own belief then u can validate it.

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 6, 2006
Views: 1500
RE: RE: whats holdin ya back?

Ok Grant, I'll make myself clearer.

"Your quote "Ok. So you are saying that a well-paid person (hypothetically) who was a Christian would be equally stupid, because the existence of God has not been proved either, and the effect they claim God has on their lives might be caused by something natural?"

Now your comparing God and TK!?!?! PLEASE....what is it your struggling to grasp. TK is something people claim to DO...and if someone claim they can do something then they should be able to demonstrate it (and not with fine wire that you can hardly be seen). The existance of God is based on people's faith, it can never be proven or disproven. Before you ask no I don't believe in God."

This point was really directed at Keith, but since you don't understand it I'll explain. I am not comparing God and TK. What I am doing is showing that since neither of them have been proved, a belief in TK existing is no more irrational than believing in the existence of God. As such, if you think people can choose to believe in God or not and will leave them to it, then you have to treat those who believe in TK the same way since they are equal in status. Finally, I was not going to ask whether you believed in God or not as this is irrelevant to the discussion in hand.

"You could stand in the middle of the streets and play the violin for all I care. Playing an musical instrument is a known FACT to many of people such as yourself, I don't need to see or do I need to argue it's existance it's just there plain and simple. TK on the other hand is not a FACT so please don't compare the two because they're not the same, I hardly see people wanting to demonstrate TK that's for sure and especially not to a crowd of people. I don't care how good people are at performing so called TK, it only takes one to come out and prove the critics wrong and they can't even do that. Any open mind such as yourself should be able to realise that it just aint going to happen, TK just does not exist. "

People keep misunderstanding this simple point. I AM NOT trying to prove that people can play the Violin! Only that if someone was telekinetic and all they could move was a toothpick, they might not run to the nearest laboratory because they would think, "I can only move a toothpick, not a car. It isn't useful and it isn't impressive, so what's in it for me?" Of course this is all hypthothetical, I accept that. I also admit that if I could move a toothpick with my mind alone I would think it was cool, but I might not run to the nearest laboratory either. Other people wouldn't think it was great, they'd just think I was a fool, like you do.

A comment from Keith now: "It would only take ONE person to prove that TK existed, just one would be enough, yet not one will come forward to be tested."

If this was the case, no research would currently be being conducted. I agree that it would only take one person.

Look, these reasons why people might not do it are only suggestions. I have no idea whether this is the real reason or whether it's just because TK doesn't exist. I have never met anyone who could do it - I just don't know, just like you. If it was finally proved, I would be happy. If it was disproved (I mean that some other reason was found but the effects did occur) I would be happy. DON'T come back with "You can't disprove the existence of something" - I KNOW THAT! :)

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 6, 2006
Views: 1499
RE: whats holdin ya back?

Unless you're talking about mathematical things, but that's a different topic altogether.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 6, 2006
Views: 1492
RE: whats holdin ya back?

Uri Gellar?
You seriously need to get up to speed.
Gellar has been shown to be a fraudster time and time again.
Nobody of any intelligence believes him anymore, even if they did in the first place!

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Oct 6, 2006
Views: 1491
RE: whats holdin ya back?


You said "...This point was really directed at Keith, but since you don't understand it I'll explain. I am not comparing God and TK. What I am doing is showing that since neither of them have been proved, a belief in TK existing is no more irrational than believing in the existence of God..."

I don't agree with your statement.
Yes, a belief in God is only a belief as the existence of God cannot be tested or proven.
TK however is very different. If a person claims to have TK then the truth of that can very easily be established. They can either demonstrate it and thus prove they are right, or not demonstrate it and establish absolutely nothing.

This point is the same as Grant was making.

Posted By: Woodpecker

Posted On: Oct 6, 2006
Views: 1482
RE: whats holdin ya back?

"I don't agree with your statement.
Yes, a belief in God is only a belief as the existence of God cannot be tested or proven.
TK however is very different. If a person claims to have TK then the truth of that can very easily be established. They can either demonstrate it and thus prove they are right, or not demonstrate it and establish absolutely nothing."

I don't agree with your statement. The degree of ability to prove either of them is irrelevant. The fact is neither of them have been proved, so from that point of view you might as well consider them equal. If the existence of God was proved it would cease to be a belief and become a fact. If someone came forward and it was established that they were telekinetic, TK would stop being a belief and become fact. There is no difference between the two - they are both only beliefs.

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