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Posted By: Luke

Posted On: Jun 20, 2009
Views: 807
RE: PK experiments

It seems as if telekinesis was the action of directing a sort of wave into an object we would need a specific organ in our body to make such a wave. I know that you were only making speculation about a possible explanation, but we'd need to see how plausible the explanation is.
If what you are really attempting to say is that Keith is supposing that just because he hasn't seen something he is saying that it doesn't exist. If this is what he is saying, then he would be making a mistake. However, as he has said in this site somewhere, nothing can be proven to not exist. I think he is skeptical, maybe extremely skeptical, but not entirely rejecting the matter entirely, merely saying "prove it." I could be wrong, but that's my take so far.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 20, 2009
Views: 803
RE: PK experiments

Luke, you are correct.

Posted By: Matt

Posted On: Jun 20, 2009
Views: 800
RE: PK experiments

PS: if everyone else is reading this, tell me which "opinions are more close to truth".

Very obviously Keith's

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 20, 2009
Views: 797
RE: PK experiments

Thank you Matt.
I wonder what it is about TK that gets believers so angry when challenged and why they never seem to be able to present a sensible and consistent argument? Those that believe the Moon landings were faked also react in the same way.
Maybe it takes a certain mindset to believe in these things?

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jun 21, 2009
Views: 791
RE: RE: PK experiments

You know, I was watching this video on (I can't remember what it's called) and it perfectly explains this situation and many others like it (i.e. trying to argue the existence of God etc.) In short, it shows how people who have a lack of knowledge in a certain subject and make many mistakes when discussing that topic also overestimate how much they think they know when compared to others and cannot recognize when they have been proven wrong. It also works vice versa; people with a wealth of knowledge in a subject are much more likely to underestimate how much they know compared to other people and easily recognize when they have made a mistake. So basically those who believe in TK, God, and other myths are not only ignorant and wrong about facts in the given subject and but also incapable of recognizing their ignorance and mistakes. This is why it is pointless to argue with people like nogard; no matter how logical and cogent your argument, they will never accept it. They are locked in a vicious cycle of ignorance. What do we do with these type of people? They hold back our species from so much and are an embarrassment to our society. I wish people like nogard and religious nutheads could be shown then truth and accept reality but they simply cannot. These people make me ashamed to be a homo sapien.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 21, 2009
Views: 787
RE: PK experiments

Hi Kevin,
Don´t you mean ashamed to be a "human beying"? LOL!
What you say makes a lot of sense. As I say myself, the reason most people believe in something that is clearly nonsense is due to their ignorance of the subject in question.
You are also correct when you say they can never see they are wrong, no matter how much irrefutable evidence is presented to them.
Ignorant people are also the ones that start, and believe in, conspiracy theories.
May we be protected from the ignorant!

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jun 21, 2009
Views: 783
RE: PK experiments

Yes, we and the entire planet in general need to be protected from the ignorant. All of the major problems we've encountered throughout our history can be attributed to our ignorance. Unfortunately, with so many powerful technologies being produced by the knowledgeable and rational people in the world the ignorant ones are able to cause much more damage and harm. I'm honestly very frightened about the direction we are heading in. I think it is very possible that the ignorant of society could cause severe and horrible changes to our way of life. I hope natural selection elimnates ignorance from our society before its too late lol.

Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 781
RE: PK experiments

even this you don't seem to understand. it's like this, if you are concentraiting on psy wheel, which is behind this suposedly "glass thing", so you are trying to use the ability on the psy wheel, and not glass. if you would be concentraiting on glass, all those "waves" would affect glass in this case, only if you'd have enough power to move or levitate it. but as you are concentraiting on psy wheel and trying to affect it, the glass in this case won't let you reach further.


COMMENT FROM KEITH: So why not just use TK to move the glass barrier away and then move the psi wheel? No, do not bother to answer, I can only take so much crap, I am just making a point.


Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 781
RE: PK experiments

As i see you still taking time to understand me.. it's like this, if you (or anyone else) or just you, use TK into what you are concentraiting at, you will probably move that piece of material (or whatever you are concentraiting at), if you have a TK powers obviously. But, if you are concentraiting on a certain object, and there's glass between you and that object, it will obliously be a broblem, because as i say, "waves" would bounce off the glass, or wouldn't let you go farther with yout ability. If you will concentrate to glass, and try to move it or levitate, you may succeed, IF u have a TK.

"So TK waves "bounce off" glass without having any effect on it. Why then don´t they "bounce off" the psi wheel without affecting it, regardless of it being made made of paper, foil, metal, plastic, whatever?
How is it that only glass stops these magic waves, but other materials move?"

Because "you" werent concentraiting on the glass but on what's behind it.

They won't bounce off the psy wheel because you actually ARE CONCENTRAITING ON IT, if the so called psy wheel is not isolated and is infront of you. If you isolate that psy wheel with the glass walls, they obliously won't let you through to the psy wheel with your TK ability just like that.

Got it?


COMMENT FROM KEITH: See comment above. So, how do these "waves" know what you are concentrating on? If they "know" you are concentrating on the psi wheel then why let the glass stop them? Not very obedient these naughty little "waves" are they? Or if they just can´t get through glass and "bounce off", where do they go to? Never mind, I really don´t want to know!


Posted By: nogard

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 779
RE: RE: PK experiments

Previous 2 posts:
sorry, i didn't see the pages below so i thought it didnt work and made another..

as i can see you all are against me. Ignorant? hahahahaha!!! come on, don't make me laugh or all of you just die. Ignorant are those who simply reject other's theories, whether they are true or false.


COMMENT FROM KEITH: NO, ignorant means to be unaware, to not have knowledge of, to not know the facts. Ignorance has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing. You are therefore ignorant of the meaning of the word ignorant.

you just say all these things because you don't know me, and you barely spoke to me on this ****ty forum.

"I wonder what it is about TK that gets believers so angry when challenged and why they never seem to be able to present a sensible and consistent argument? Those that believe the Moon landings were faked also react in the same way."

I didnt say i believed in all this. See how pathetic and idiot you are? you cant even think cearly, point me one word that says i believe in all this crap?


COMMENT FROM KEITH: This isn´t all about you. Try reading it again. I said "Those that believe the Moon landings were faked also react in the same way." Get it now? That did not even mention you! God you really are stupid you know.


"This is why it is pointless to argue with people like nogard; no matter how logical and cogent your argument, they will never accept it."

You know why? because you don't seem to understand what im trying to explain so some 5 year children that think they can do "that" and "this" and they know more then some strainger that comes here just to tell his opinion, and maybe truth to open this pityful humans' eyes.
If you don't believe me, don't. I'm not going to say who, or what i am and wherever im from. You are just stupid brainless human beyings.


COMMENT FROM KEITH: Ahhhh! I get it now! You´re an alien, and obviously on your planet you are all brainless morons.
PS: I just love "human beyings". Effing brilliant!!! Makes me laugh out loud every time I read it! God you are so ignorant.


No, im not mad and im not nervous, i'm totally calm. believe me, if its hard to believe, then you ARE all idiots. Do not reply to this cause won't be seeing this anymor. I'm off this site.

ps: if you all don't believe in TK, why does this site exists al all? this stupid. Good luck growing your brains, if you have some brain to start with.


COMMENT FROM KEITH: This site exists as a means of education and/or interest for those who have an interest in the topics I discuss. The TK part, which is only a minor part of the whole site, is there just to show how I consider TK to be non-existent. Now that wasn´t too difficult to follow, was it? Maybe it was, I am obviously talking to a "beying" that lives on another planet.
Goodbye and good riddance.


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 771
RE: RE: PK experiments

Yes, I agree, the ignorant of this world are a menace to society. The Internet, with all the wonderful advantages it has to offer, is unfortunately also a breeding ground where all the ignorant can get together and spread their cancer of lies, deceit and of course, ignorance.
It only takes one stupid idiot (like nogard) to say, for example, that the Twin Towers were blown up by the United States government, for the whole crazy idea to be taken up by all the others who happen to be as stupid as him, and there a lot of them.
Why is it there are more stupid and ignorant people today than ever before, or is it just because the Internet makes it appear that way?

It makes me fear for the future.

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 767
RE: PK experiments

Yeah I'm not sure if more people are becoming more ignorant or if its becuase its so much easier for them to be heard through the internet, etc. Either way, I agree; I'm very afraid of our future. In the near future, it will only take a small group of crazy, ignorant, close-minded, short-sided fools to cause horrible things to happen to society, our way of life, the planet, etc. We can already see this happening with suicide bombings, 9/11, and even things our governments and those with power do. Right now, they are only causing relatively minor albeit still horrible problems for us but in the very near future, I'm terrified of how much power these people will have to ruin everything. Somehow, someway these type of people need to lose their ability to f*** up this world.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 22, 2009
Views: 765
RE: PK experiments

Yes, it is a bit scary.
Sometimes I am glad I will not be around for much longer, things are bad enough as they are now.
It is an interesting thought though, are people getting more stupid or does it just appear that way?
I do know that in the country of my birth, England, (I am so glad I now live in Spain) they are dumbing down the exams more every year, it makes it appear that the schools are getting better and hitting their targets. The top exams, that were so difficult for us years ago, are now multiple choice questions, with the added advantage of some of the choices being obviously wrong!
Also, I am alarmed to discover that in some schools in America they are actually teaching Creationism as a serious subject to rival The Big Bang and Evolution.
Where the hell is "education" going? We are raising a generation of fools! You only have to read my message boards to see clear evidence of that.

Posted By: Kevin

Posted On: Jun 23, 2009
Views: 758
RE: PK experiments

Yes embarrasingly, some local areas in the Bible Belt have decided that when studying about the origin of life it is necessary that both of the "two theories" be taught together so that students can make their own choice of what to believe. They argue it is unfair to teach only one theory in class becuase according to them Creationism is very credible and is just as likely or more likely to be true than evolution. It is really scary at how deluded some people can become.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jun 23, 2009
Views: 755
RE: PK experiments

If they live in the American infamous Bible Belt and are taught creationism and evolution, I wonder which subject is the most heavily promoted and what percentage leave school believing in evolution?
To even consider that creationism is actually a theory is scary.
My "Infinity" message board drew a lot of comments on evolution v creationism, as you know, and the level of ignorance shown regarding evolution was staggering. I wonder if there is a Bible Belt connection to that particular guy?

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