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Posted By: Erin

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 1033
Re: Reality check

The American Heritage Dictionary lists its first definition of "Sir" as "Used as an honorific before the given name or the full name of baronets and knights."

She's a knight. In the anime, she's addressed as "Sir Integra." Grammatically impossible? Hardly.

Oh, and, Pip's French; Kohta Hiraino said so ^_^

Posted By: Stampede

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 1024
Reality Check

So you're complaining about how unrealistic it is for the Milennium members to have German accents still, but totally ignoring the fact that it's as possible for Integra's title to be "Sir" as it is for her to be a "Mister"? Because Sir is a male-specific title. Dame Integra? Yes. Sir Integra? No, not gramatically possible.

Anyone see something conflicting here?

Posted By: Illishar

Posted On: Nov 4, 2004
Views: 1001

I just want to know if Pip is French or Austrailian. Cause he looks more "typically" Austrailian, uses Brittish slang, but in the translations seems to speak with a French accent. He does not seem French at all. Where is he supposed to be from?

And I agree that Anderson is more likely to be Irish if he's from the Brittish Isles due to the Protestant/Catholic conflicts there and the suggestions of his interest in Ireland from Volume 1.

Posted By: nolifeking454

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 981
my freakin god

i swear alex's accent is incomprehensible and doesnt even border on any sort of english. ( oh and i love u eirin your comics is the best its wootzor to the maxzor!)

Posted By: Police Girl11

Posted On: Nov 3, 2004
Views: 1060
Que Sera Sera, Seras.

I realise that the translations aren't the best but I don't have time or the talent to go and do it myself. I imagine Dark Horse is doing the best they can within their abilities, how ever "bad" it maybe it's better than just lookin at the pretty pictures as I would be doing because my cpu is far to slow to properly download scanlations.

Posted By: Phineas

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 1076
It's More Than Lame...

There are several things to take into consideration about the blasphemy perpetrated by Dark Horse.

1.) The utter inaccuracy of their Japanese to English translation, which is very poorly done. Crunchy Chesse and Random Person did a MUCH better job in their own versions. However, the real problem most likely lies with Hellsing's editor, who took all sorts of unfounded artistic liberties with the pure kanji/hiragana translation. Which brings me to...

2.) His near incoherent, wholly illogical, and entirely "artistically added" attempts at unfounded accents on behalf of both Millennium & Anderson. First of all, the idea that Anderson is Scottish is PURE speculation - I say again, PURE speculation, not FACT. And in fact, Hirano, at an interview at a con in Tokyo, was apparently reported as having said that his Scottish accent was only done as an artistic addition by Pioneer for their English dub of the anime (which really sucked anyway, IMO). But he himself, never wrote/drew him as a "Scot". If that's so, then how did Pioneer ever come to him being Scottish in the first place, you ask? Easy, it was due only to Anderson's surname's "origin" being "Scottish". So, in reality, it was one big mistaken interpretation.

To cite an example of that big faux pas' stupidity, I'll use my own surname as an example. It is, in fact, Scottish in origin like the name "Anderson". Yet, guess what, I'm an American, and therefor speak with the appropriate accent. The same as my numerous American ancestors before me did, all of whom had the exact same surname. Add that to the fact that Scotland is probably around a 99.8% protestant country under the British Empire, the same place this "Catholic zealot assassin" is supposed to have spawned from, and you have quite a bit of inconsistency in character makeup. That's not even accounting for how personal Anderson seemed to take Hellsing's going into Northern Ireland in volume 1; which is a very Catholic, and very religiously volatile nation. Getting the picture yet?

So then, how do either of those stupid assumptions by Pioneer/DH make ANY sense? They don't, plain and simple. Unfortunately, it's a mistake made through one retard (Pioneer), that another misinformed idiot editor at Dark Horse picked up and subsequently continued.

As far as Millennium and their almost humorous accents go in DH's version of the script, you see almost the exact same error occur. Let's look at what we know. Yes, they are German, and probably, at one time, did indeed speak with heavily accented English. However, let's not forget that they've been hiding incognito in South America (and God knows where else) for how long now, 50+ years? I'd think their many travels abroad, and having to adapt to their current surroundings, would likely cause that accent to fade just a tad, don't you? So in conclusion...

This is why there are scanlations groups like The Birds of Hermes popping up, and continuing with a manga series' scanlations in the face its licensing by American companies. And, thank God for them. Truth be known, I hope they all keep it up. Given they way they decimated Hellsing, I hope Dark Whores keep getting screwed until the series is finished. If you're a fan, and you really want to show your support for KH, go buy the untranslated Young King Ours tankubons. Then, simply sit back and wait for the (sadly) much more accurate fan scanlations to get released -- which I'm sure will be long before DH could ever put their ****ty versions out.

Now I'm sure there will be some who won't agree with the realism I've presented in this montage, just like I'm sure that Bush will get reelected by the dumb-**** rednecks of my country. Then again, if you're too stupid to see the flawed logic in relation to why the DH accents don't fit, and in the end, debase the characters... dare you call yourselves Hellsing fans? Fans that ignorant, the "thinking" Hellsing community can certainly do without.


Posted By: Ryu

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 1102

I don't see anything wrong with the slang. It's realistic. It's not even that bad with Integra. The German accents are realistic, too. I don't really see what the big deal is. And besides, all the German is educational. ~Reading Hellsing helps you learn some German~ ^^

Posted By: MangaMania

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 1039

well,truly,Integral should not be using slang,its just not her,and calling her miss is very anoying,i tell ya,if your gonna translate a manga,do it right

Posted By: Pip

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 1029

To be hoenst, I don't remember noticing any scary slang on Integra's part. I'll have to get my mangas back and check. It might just be that I didn't notice cause I'm from the UK but I doubt it if it's as bad as you make it sound.

Posted By: Simon

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 984
accents, accents, accents...

in, her slang isn't bad. It's a little...well, it gives her a touch more humour/humanity than the anime does. The manga itself is more whimsical anyhow.

(that said, I can understand a several forms of Scottish accents...BUT NOT WHEN THEY'RE WRITTEN DOWN. this makes me sad. ;_;)

Posted By: icey

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 982
remember slang is for the working class

the issue realy is that as a knight and very well brought up her using slang is just silly it would be like giving all the vampires transylvanian accents or having alucard use modern americanisms it just dosnt make sence considering the characters backgrounds

Posted By: Kiro

Posted On: Nov 2, 2004
Views: 991
what wrong with the german accents?

i think the accents are kinda cool. Imean i wouldn't really be funny if everyone talked the same would it besides whats wrong with the accents and british slang?just my opoinion though so don't make make me an enemy that quick.
-Kiro the fox demon

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