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Posted By: The Last Random Hero

Posted On: Dec 30, 2004
Views: 817
RE: Theory for TK proven!

Keith I respect the value of what you're doing here. The more rational, scientific and proven explanations we have to explain the illusion of TK the more ammunition we have to fuel our arguement.

I shall endeavour to be more constructive in my future posts to this thread.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Dec 30, 2004
Views: 813
RE: Theory for TK proven!

Okay, thanks,

I have today treated myself to a digital handycam and hope to put up some vids of my own results in moving the psi wheel and straw.
It may take a litle tme to figure it all out though, never tried editing and uploading vids before.

Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 1, 2005
Views: 787
RE: Theory for TK proven!

Hi all,

Today I have made another video of rotating the straw.
As I said, some days the static is better than others. See for yourself.

Now tell me that it isn't the same, if not better, than the ppsociety vids claiming it shows TK.

I know that TKers are convinced they have TK. I have read for example all the comments on ppsociety, and on their own web sites.
I know that no matter what I tell them, explain to them, show them on video, they will still think they have TK. It is what they want to think.
So be it.

However, the fact of the matter is that all they have done, be it spinning the psi wheel or the straw, I have also done. But I have done it with physics and not TK. I can explain precisely what I have done and how others can also do it. It's not magic.

I have not had to practice for weeks or months, I have not had to concentrate, I have not found it exhausting, I have made no effort at all, it has not given me headaches, I have not had to focus, use self hypnosis or meditate. I will not lose my powers if I don’t do it for a few days, weeks months or years. The laws of physics do not require practice.

I have just done what I have done all my life, which is to apply common sense, logic and science, and examine all the possibilities and eliminate them one by one, until what I am left with is the truth. I do not, and never have, believed a thing simply because I want to and others have told me to. I always check everything for myself.

Sorry, but this is as far as I can take it. There is nothing more in the way of tests that I can do.

As for moving a psi wheel under cover.....yes, that too can be done given the right circumstances. I will explain how it can be done another time, soon. Needless to say, it doesn't involve TK.
As for other claims of TK, levitating objects, moving chairs, rolling pencils.....forget it, it just doesn’t happen. Why these people need to lie about it I don’t know, you would need to ask them. I tell you this though, it doesn’t happen, except in their imagination.

I have now demonstrated that the two most popular TK stunts, the ones everyone starts with, is nothing to do with TK. This explains why so many ‘TKers’ are unable to progress beyond that. It is because the ones that claim they do either cheat or lie. Simple as that.
If anyone could prove me wrong, then like Randi, I would give them a million dollars, if I had it. Won’t happen though.


Think about it. Ask yourself this. Why am I able to demonstrate ‘TK ability’ without any practice at all, and then prove it is nothing more than basic physics, all in a period of less than two weeks?
How it is TKers have been ‘practising’ improving their ‘TK power” for weeks and months on end, and not even thought to test it as I have? You would think it only natural to examine it properly.

This tells you all everything you need to know about TK and TKers. They believe in TK because they want to believe in TK and it would not occur to them to test it, they are not the scientific type. Had they been they would not have been fooled into believing in it in the first place.

Nothing more I can say really.


Posted By: Placebo

Posted On: Jan 1, 2005
Views: 784
RE: Theory for TK proven!

(Warning - repeat of other thread's post)

Hi Keith

Firstly - that was a hellova lot of static :D

Secondly - yes it looks 'better' than eg. my videos. And that's why I'm not happy with it explaining what I experience. I'd have preferred if you demonstrated holding your hands in one position, having the straw standing still for a few seconds - and *then* suddenly moving like that. With the distance as before.

Contrary to your statements, I'm willing to accept that I'm not performing TK at all - however it does require me to be convinced that it's all just basic physics. You've done a good job so far, but your last video does not perform in the same way ask my practice sessions do.

Regarding the accusation of not testing it scientifically, I started on that floating toothpick and tested for other factors as much as I could. As to the straw and pinwheel, that is exactly what I was doing right now :P

Once my guests leave, I'll be testing it further.
If it is static as you believe, it should be self evident at that point.

If you feel you can't take the project any further, I hope I can still get thoughts from you regarding any experiments I do in future?


Posted By: Keith Mayes

Posted On: Jan 1, 2005
Views: 776
RE: Theory for TK proven!

Hi all,
I have replied to placebo's comments under the newer thread
as this one is geting a bit lengthy.

Posted By: Ookami

Posted On: Jun 19, 2007
Views: 692
RE: Theory for TK proven!

Yay! People who aren't stupid! I am happy!

Ok, I may have nothing to contribute (too lazy to read everything) but I do have to say this, if people could talk like this all the time in huge groups, somone would get an answer.

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