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Posted By: County Resident

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 618
Promises Promises

Politicians will promise the moon if they think it will help them get elected. It will be intersting to see if jim Keane will result to bribery to become the next county executive.

One Guarantee - Keane will not make good on any of teh promises he is making.

Posted By: HCR

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 546
M. Moore

Under my healtcare plan, that fat slob M. Moore would be put on an immediate diet, be forced to join an exercise program, and if he got caught with a candy bar, I'd have his fat ass thrown in jail.


Posted By: BCD

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 551
Re:Just Wondering

If I'm preaching to the choir abot Satan's Sister, why did the morons in this area re elect the bitch to the senate?

Posted By: Jim S in Tonawanda

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 550
Re: Anne, Kenmore

Thank you. You have the more complete version of the Michael Moore experience here.
There is much more to the entire Moore expositions, from his Flint, Michigan background on. On a blog like this is, we can only be selective of certain points. The Buffalo News has its own agenda as well, of course. I will take Moore's points further than he does. He does, of course, look at policy makers and corporation's profit incentives as a prima facie case. But Moore should go further and say that victims who allow themselves to continue to be victims need to learn from their mistakes. the Democratic Party, is not learning from their mistakes. And that clearly means the voters and residents. In order for the less fortunate to improve, they should learn from the Buddhist monks now protesting in Myanmar. The ignoble economic policies of the junta there has raised the cost of fuel, which affects everything from transportation to food costs. It is the same reason Iranian citizens are burning gasoline stations in Tehran. The regime raised fuel prices. It is the reason a dictatorship in Iraq failed. Ignoble economic policies. Here in America, the Democrats were outraged when oil reached $70 a barrel, but at $83 a barrel and climbing, everyone is quiescent. The politicians, including those in the Presidential race, now are showing their hands....that the Moore influence is a their plans. With a Bush or a Clinton in office since 1988, there isn't a meaningful difference between Republicans and Democrats, and the public jousts over only factors that affect sensibilities, not realities. Moore has his finger on that pulse, and the downwardly mobile Flint and Buffalo, have a feeble response. The young adults know now they have to save themselves, and are moving where they have to. To hear the Democrats say they can't commit to having troops out of Iraq before 2013 means they are part of the problem. This is a story that is not going to end well, especially for Buffalo area residents.

Posted By: Anne, Kenmore

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 579
RE: Jim S - on Moore

Jim, did you attend Moore's presentation? I found the Buffalo News article disturbingly inaccurate. Michael Moore joked about Buffalo being in its current condition because it has not received the same amount of support as other cities. I don't know what event you attended, but obviously the "news" and you have very poor hearing. The news totally left out the part where he told the crowd to be nice to the "conservative" young man and said it was good that he had come. He was very serious when he said he appreciated his opinion and told him that he had a right to his opinion. He told the young man that all of his sources and references are listed on his website in answer to the statement that his documentary was not backed by fact. He then stated it was his purpose not spread "propaganda" but to expose it. He did not bash Buffalo, he compared Buffalo to Flint because Flint was deserted and destroyed by corporate and political America. The key word here is to listen. And, to the the Buffalo News, shame on your poor reporting. There was "nothing" fair and balanced in that article.

Posted By: Jim S in Tonawanda

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 595
Michael Moore

It's amazing how the crazies want to continue to abridge free speech, whether at Columbia University or University at Buffalo. The Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee free speech. Michael Moore used his moments to deride the Democratic Party (yes, THAT bastion of "liberalism"). The Democratic Party is no more liberal than the Republican Party. They are both about my favorite So of course Moore would lambaste Democrats. And, asked why he used some Buffalo residents in "Sicko", he said it is his own affirmative action plan to help decaying Rust Belt cities.
When Michael Moore can slam both Democrats and Buffalo, and get standing applause, you know that is a man with his finger on the pulse. In fact it is getting weaker all the time.

Posted By: Gary from Wheatfield

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 600
Capt Obvious from ????

It's quite OBVIOUS that you wish to remain anonymous ! NO name or town ???

Also, it is quite OBVIOUS that you do NOT know how to spell MORON !

Maybe you could consult with Joe from Grand Island for you next post ! Joe has informed us that he "owns" an UN-abridged dictionary !

Posted By: Just Wondering

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 601
BCD/OCD et al

Do you ever read anything pro-Hillary on these pages ? I think you are preaching to the choir, but hey - if it makes you feel better ..............................

Posted By: BCD

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 613

Hillary Clinton is trying to sell herself as a reformer, a new broom that will sweep away the traditional Washington chicanery. Yet her response to her fund raising scandal in her own shop is typical and classic old school politics.

The bitch is currently under investiagtion on two fronts. For her illegal contributions during her run for NYS Senate and now for illegal funds from Norman Hsu.

Satan's Sister continues to get caught in out and out lies and the liberal sheep line up for slaughter, buying everyone of her lies.


Posted By: Jeets

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 631
Illegal Immigration

they say the illegals are doing the jobs that Americanc wont do...well how about making the people collecting welfare earn their checks and do those jobs

Posted By: Capt Obvious

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 638
Jim from K-town/ common sense

Funny how jim says how stupid someone is for disclosing some vague info about themselves on the internet, yet he puts every detail about his sorry life out there ! He then attempts to justify that by saying he has cameras & neighbors "looking out" for him, and if anyone was able to pass THAT A-1 security (LMAO) system he's such a badass he would blah blah blah ....

How about putting those cameras toward the street ? How about having your neighborhood security detail concentrate on other homes as well ? Then maybe Kaisertown wouldn't be such a sh*thole! Maybe then they could catch some of the car poppers, burglars, dope dealers and a murderer or two !Yeah, jim - you are the American Badass. You should go over to Iraq/Iran and take care of business ! I know you've already been in "battle", from your "war stories" about the brutal gang fights in the 60's & 70's ! Wasn't that movie "Gangs of New York" loosely based on your life ? Weren't you leader of the Van Buren boys ? Wait ... that was George Costanza. Same difference.

What a maroon.

Posted By: DJ

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 627

Boy, you really got me Loyd !

You are a master of the comeback !

I'll bet you can really hold your own ( against 6 year olds that is ! ).

Posted By: Lloyd---Lockport

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 631
Say it ain't so...

Yep, you got it right. Today's PC culture allows "anything-goes" by anyone NOT of the "straight, Judaeo-Christian, conservative, white, male" population(s).

Let someone in that group speak even one word of oppostion to the "protected" groups, and HELL breaks loose!

Look at Columbia U. They allow the Iranian loony-toon to speak, but won't allow the ROTC or the Minutemen similar access.

The sooner they cut off taxpayer funds to Columbia, the better.

Posted By: Lloyd---Lockport

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 625
Again, DJ, thanks for the reminder that...

I'M rubber & YOU'RE glue.

Lloyd = rubber. DJ = glue.

There you have it.

You must love setting yourself up all the time, Deej, like pins on a bowling alley.

Posted By: "D" from Buffalo

Posted On: Sep 30, 2007
Views: 630
Nobody defines me!!

I want it to be known I do not let so-called "leaders" speak for me. Not ministers, entertainers, nor anyone else. I have my own mine. Thank You!!

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