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Posted By: Frank the realist

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 709
RE: God

Is this the same God that caused every war known to man? If it is then F-UCK YOU!

Posted By: Jim Z.from Buffalo/Kaisertown

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 635

Hey asshole. I make more in ONE DAY than you do in a whole month.

Yeah, I can sit here and make money on the internet and come here for a few minutes to laugh at you pathetic liberal c.ock suckers.

Check out Google (Goog) and Apple (APPL)

I'm laughing all the way to the bank.

Punch that clock and work for 'da man'. Put that bolt on that nut for $10 and no benefits. Those jobs are going away too.

They found out a Mexican can do that for 50 cents and hour and no health insurance.

My ONLY worry is getting some socialist commie liberal Democrat in office and having (him/HER) increase the capital gains tax on my stcok market profits.

Come next November I'm going to sell off $750,000 in stock just in case that c.unt b.itch wins the election.

The hell if I'm going to give my hard earned money to some porch monkies smoking rock.

My vote is for RUDY of ANY other Republican that can win against that demon Hillary.

Her socialized medicine plan alone would bankrupt this whole country is LESS than two years.

You bastard liberals ahve destroyed society and this country. We're gonna take it back one way or another.

You liberals got NO BALLS!

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 615
Jim Z

Oh, I forgot you couldn't leave the house---Mommy would be mad. Plus, I can;t go over to that side of scumville. I may also feel bad for launching a cripple down a flight of stairs. War vet? Please. Masturbation Vet is more like it! I knew you would back down. Probably don't have a car either.

Posted By: God

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 605
This Board



Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 599
End of America

...Socialist Jim Z? AMerica's time is up--every superpower from the past, greece, rome, england all had a reign of about 250-300 years before they ate themselves up--guess whose next asshole--thats right the good ol' USA. COnservative=Closet Homosexuals---you crippled waste.

Posted By: Jim Z.from Buffalo/Kaisertown

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 592

Well, why are we still in Germany? Why are we still in Japan? Why are we still in South Korea? Why are our troops stationed all over the world? You're just spouting the usual liberal sh*t. Civil war in Iraq? Really? Pretty poor one, I'd say. So, you want us to leave and have them 'really' kill each other like want happened after we left Vietnam? You b.itch about Iraq and you want to go into a real civil war in Darfur, Sudan? How stupid is that? Do you really need an answer to your STUPID question, or are you that DUMB?

The violence in Iraq is dropping at a fast rate with the surge. I don't give a damn if you believe it or not, but I did write a letter to our government with an increase in troop levels to capture areas in Iraq that were hostile and have the Iraqi army take control from there. ie 'The surge" Coincidence? Who knows. I did suggest 30,000 troops. Someone had to come up with the idea. I also just suggested that we combine efforts with Israel to take out Iran's nuclear facilities before President Bush leaves office. Something will be done.

Education. Oh, our poor studnets. Yeah, we're throwing BILLIONS of dollars at these kids and these incompetent PUBLIC school teachers and what is it getting? Little Johnnie and Susie still can't read or write. So much for the lottery doing much to save our education system.

Fire these damn teachers. You can't. There's an insane system to even try.

The poor people. F*CK the poor people. They had a chance and they blew it THEMSELVES. Sitting our their welfare collecting asses will have them remain POOR. They had the chance to go to school/get an education, at least try. get a job and move up the ladder. These minorities and white trash losers perfer NOT to. They'd rather drink 40 oz. malt liquor beer, smoke crack and get that government check. THEY CHOSE to be losers. You can have free homes for the homeless and some would still live in the streets, because they are mentally ill or are drunks and drug addicts.

Sorry liberals with your rose colored glasses and singing 'kum ba ya'. You'll NEVER EVER be able to save everyone.

Doing it the "LIBERAL WAY" of giving these pathetic losers a way to sit on their asses and not contribute to society is actually hurting them. and NOT helping them. WELFARE is NOT to be passed from generation to generation.

You sissy, cowardly uppity liberals just don't get it.


As for that pathetic fa.g boy. You know who I am and where I live, so why don't you get your sissy, ass over here queer boy and try and talk your sh*t. (you have no common sense)

Get the f*ck off from behind the safety of your keyboard and settle this like men, even tough you're not one.

You are a little p.iss ant of a fa.ggot pussy.

You're just a sh*t talker. You can't back up a damn thing you say. You've said NOTHING of consequence here. Just your gay little fa.ggy queer attacks over the internet. You big man. lol You're just trying to impress your queer lover boy.

I'm here all day f*cker, so why don't you get on your high horse and come on over. Or shut your F*CKING fa,ggot little mouth.

You liberals are all talk and no action. You're yellow bellied, cowardly f*ckers that are in dire need of an attitude adjustment.


Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 587


Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 579

I wish Giambra would run for office again. He cut taxes by 30%, brought out the truth against what WE pay in taxes for medicaid, and laid off over 2000 employees. I mean this is what we need. He cut down the payroll, what else can we ask for; oh yeah-taxes--cut them down too. So while the media blasted him because of the stupid red/green budget I think he'll be remembered for cutting taxes and being corect on consolidating all the useless governments.

Posted By: English Professer

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 555
Bi-Polar Jim Z

i never met anybody bipolar, or crazy like Jim Z. I guess being unemployed makes you nuts, and rant like a lunatic. I love it. Keep it up Jim. you are a source for my daily entertainment.

Posted By: John

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 550
Mary & Herm

Mary - and who are YOU to tell anyone what is acceptable or not ? You have the freedom to read or not to read, it is YOUR CHOICE. Don't make it then complain !

Herm - interesting that you would pick Pitts to illustrate your point, as I happen to think HE is worthless. Get my drift ? See above for the rest.

Posted By: Jim Z.from Buffalo/Kaisertown

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 545


This was right under the story of a Grambing
black grandmother (teacher)putting black students in chains, shackles and put a noose around their necks.


Why did MSNBC put that title under the story when it was a black teacher who put the noose around the students?

Why? It's obvious. The white man is the DEVIL and that's what MSNBC wanted to get across.

If that were a white teacher doing that, you'd
see a million blacks storming the school and it
would be HEADLINE news EVERYWHERE. .cnn

What a crock of sh*t. They have blacks on TV
right now saying that it was fine to show young
kids these disturbing things. THIS IS WRONG. This is hypocritical. Blacks were wrong and they refuse to admit it. Turn this around and they're be riots in the streets right now.
In another story a black employee was fired because her work was sub par and shoppers complained about her overbearing perfume. She also took excessive bathroom breaks. She's suing the store for racial discrimination. It's no wonder why businesses worry about hiring black people.

They're worrying about FALSE lawsuits.

What about that black Buffalo cop that jumped on a white officers back who was making an arrest?

She's out of work with "FULL PAY" and suing the
city, but she still has time to take part in
marching around.
Jesse MacBeth, a vocal war critic who falsely
claimed to have served in Iraq. lies!

Of course the liberal media didn't include that
this MORON MacBeth says he SEEN US soldiers raping and murdering innocent Iraqi's which were ALL LIES!

This lying sack of sh*t never was in Iraq.

They didn't include traitor John Kerry's comments of our soldiers busting in Iraqi houses in the middle of the night terrorizing women and children.


Barack HUSSEIN Obama saying that we're air
raiding innocent Iraqi women and children.


Fat blowhard John Murtha saying that our soldiers were murdeing innocent Iraqi's.

It's so obvious that the liberals are attacking
Limbaugh because his show is so successful. The
lying liberals distorting the truth. Rush was
talking about FAKE soldiers like MacBeth and not actual US troops.

Who the hell does the Harry Reid (D) scumbag
thing he's fooling?

Liberals suck people. They lie. They cheat. They steal.

Liberals will do anything, and that includes
selling out your country and delibrerately lose a war, to win a damn election.

Why would ANYONE vote for these scumbags.
11% That's the liberal Congress approval rating. The lowest ever is US history. Do you want a liberal Democrat as president? HELL NO!


Say you're sick of thsi garbage and won't take it any longer.


Hillary wants to give every crack whore who has a kid, $5,000. That's 20 BILLION dollars paid by the US taxpayer. $5,000/20 BILLION dollars to BUY votes.

Hillary Clinton is a SOCIALIST and believes in the "distrubition of wealth", like Frank the loser Realist.

The stock market would plunge and our ecomony would take because Hillary would sink it with high taxes and insane taxes on capital gains.

Hillary, you did JACK SH*T for New York and you want to lie and do jack sh*t for all of America.

F*CK YOU bitch! You cackling whore. Hey, where's Bill? Getting a blow job from another intern.

Clinton lied and no one died? Really? Ask that to the Americans in the four US embassies in Saudi Arabia and Africa. Ask the people in the WTC attack in 1993. Ask the family member of the USS Cole. Ask Waco. Ask Ruby Ridge. Ask Oklahoma City. Ask Columbine.

Posted By: Herm

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 552
Re: Mary, Amherst

Read Leonard Pitts' column in the Buffalo News, yesterday: When speech is free but worthless.
He shows the same thing in Miami happens here.
These blogs are magnets for the worthless. But you are right, Mary, there are many worthwhile people who choose not to post, and some worthwhile people who do post. The key word is "worthless." I can easily separate them The Professor or whatever new names he uses. Whatever credential he has "isn't worth the paper its printed on." In the real market, they have no credibility and no one else will take their spews and sputum. So they are the grafitti people here. And just read the article today on George Carlin. Why he spots these losers and the jokes he uses are really on them. You can't lose at what is "worthless."

Posted By: Gary from Wheatfield

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 555
Shiites and Sunni

WHY do Shiites and Sunni fight AGAINST each other, when they BOTH profess to believe in Mohammed and the religion he established called Islam ?

HISTORY gives us the ANSWER !

The Shiites are the DIRECT decendants of Mohammed, AND when the last decendants of Mohammed died, a POLITICAL fight occurred over who CONTROLLED the RELIGION of Islam.
The group that split from the Shiites called themselves Sunni, and the fight for POLITICAL control over the religion of Islam, UNFORTUNATELY, continues to this
day !

From a strictly RELIGIOUS viewpoint, the fighting between the two groups does NOT MAKE SENSE, since both groups claim to believe in the SAME God, who they call Allah !

Posted By: English Professer

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 572

Bye Mary, I'm sure you'll miss us.

Posted By: Mary, Amherst

Posted On: Oct 2, 2007
Views: 568

Who are you to tell me or anyone else that if we don't like the site we should go visit another? It was setup to take taxpayer concerns, not nasty comments. Have you tried to set up on your pc? As far as Ch 2 and the first amendment, would you see these curse words in any respectable newspaper? This will be my last visit for a while. I'll be taking a break from the sarcasm. I can hear your comments now. But, I'd like to think there are a lot of good guys out there just not responding.

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