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Posted By: les

Posted On: Jul 25, 2008
Views: 1371

feminism is the epitome of women realizing that they are ABOVE EVEN BEING COMPARED TO men. why is it that so many within contemporary western societies feel that in order for women and their collective femininity to be embraced, respected, and revered, they must juxtapose themselves to the status of men? why, why, why? all comparing 'women' to men and 'femininity' to masculinity does is provide a crutch for us women to prop up against and a foundation for us to be questioned, ridiculed, and derided.

until we are able to stop comparing and just start being without asking, then we will truly understand what it means to be feminist.

Posted By: BrandyV

Posted On: Jul 8, 2008
Views: 3358

I totally agree, Synchrion! How dare I throw around my vagina and start 'unnecessary arguments', it's not as if guys don't throw their dicks around and do the same thing! Feminism is totally about yelling at guys when they call you sexy! Like, how dare them! What else would I be doing if I wasn't squealing indignantly about how mean those teasing boys are? It's not at ALL about helping people of different race/class/gender/ability/sexual orientation/age/culture achieve equality in an unfair world where the rich, the white, the male, the straight, the able-bodied, the young and the American-born rule with an iron fist--without a velvet glove.

You're thinking of second-wave feminism, with the little white girls talking about rape and abortion and street harassment and the minutia of sexism in boy-girl relationships. That's the kind of feminist that gives the rest of us a bad name. It's okay, most people don't even know or care what the **** third-wave feminism is.

Feminism today isn't about fighting men and hating them passionately, it never was. It's not about ignoring femaleness and trying to become men (but smaller). It's about loving the people around you, who fight for equality and against social injustice. It's examining why hundreds of Hispanic girls go missing every year and nobody cares, and a single blonde-haired blue-eyed white girl goes missing and every newstand across the country ****s their pants hoping to find her. It's criticizing the ****ers who know about these things, but blatantly refuse to help because they're too busy picking out Porsches.

It's wondering why one out of every four women in America is raped. It's discovering that we live in a rape-culture, where such acts are glorified or downplayed as being less destructive than they are. It's saying it's the woman's fault for being drunk/wearing revealing clothes/flirting/going to that party alone/walking around at night when a man can do any of those things and never get raped.

It's wondering why men die several years ahead of women of things like heart attack and other stress-related diseases. It's discovering the deep, hard, indefinable pressure put on men to be men is just as hard as the pressure put on women to be women. And knowing that if we women help ourselves, we also help our brothers.

It's doing something to help someone else. It's unbearable pain and sorrow. It's the greatest happiness and exultation.

That's what feminism is to me. I believe in it with all my heart, **** the man or woman who disagrees. Oh, and by the way; when I see women in wheelchairs getting catcalled, my grandmother getting sexually harassed, fat women being called out at, pre-pubescent girls getting yelled at by old men, and me, dressed modestly in jeans and a sweater with not an areola in sight getting told out of some loser's car window that I have a nice ass, I know for a fact that it's not my fault. STOP BLAMING THE VICTIM, AMERICA!

By the way? You've got it all wrong. I'm a feminist, I don't want to be a man (or as you think of us, a butch psycho man-hating lesbian). I'm allowed to be me. I am bisexual, I love dresses with high-heels and I love baggy polos with boy pants, I can cook and I can clean the gutters too. I can **** whomever I choose and I do, and I can go to the abortion clinic right afterwards if I have to. I can get married and have kids, or do neither, and society won't shun me for doing any of those things. Because of feminism.

Without feminism, I'd be in such deep ****. And I am ever thankful for it, and will continue to pay my gratitude, day in and day out, to such a cause. With unerring devotion. That's what feminism is.

Posted By: Lizzie

Posted On: Jul 7, 2008
Views: 1338

Empowerment of women... freedom of sexuality.

not about men.

Posted By: androgynous_teen_android

Posted On: Jul 5, 2008
Views: 1338
Gender is nothing more than culture

People misinterpret "sex" and "gender". We are of the female sex, physically, but gender (identity) is all to do with culture. As culture evolves so does gender, for example ages ago a woman wearing trousers would have been considered cross dressing yet today it is perfectly normal. In some middle eastern cutlures, more westernised women are considered masculine whereas in their own cultures they are considered feminine. Societies have taken minor, insignificant differences between men and women and exaggerated them immensely. I think that "celebrating differences" between men and women will only drive people further apart as more competition grows between sexes, encouraging sexism. Androgyny is the only way forward, it would have been every human's natural state without the advent of "society". Feminism is great when it comes to promoting equal rights for women...but somehow seeks to masculinise them to a certain extent, suggesting that women must be masculine to be liberated. The sad thing is, there is still the idea that feminizing men weakens them. Androgyny in women is on the rise, but we need to promote qualities in men that were once considered traditionally feminine. When we are able to walk in each other's shoes, only then can we truly understand each other and become equal. Thinking logically about minor gender differences, what is really wrong with a woman refusing to grow her hair long, or a man wanting to wear make up (think about the ancient Egyptians, etc...this is what I mean by gender being nothing more than cutlure)

Posted By: Sam

Posted On: Jul 2, 2008
Views: 1336

I think feminism is extremism. Stop feeling so sorry and just do better.

Posted By: miki

Posted On: Jun 29, 2008
Views: 1325

...Feminism is about equality of Women in all corners of society. Please throw away all preconceptions of lesbo "butch" women hating men and those who complain about being called "sexy"- or objectified in general.This is no feminism. Feminism is the yearning for women able to have the same pay as their fellow work mate man and being given the equal opportunity to strive for their desires, not to be held under society's stereotypes . Women...have been oppressed for years before A.D, although there are women lead society, there are still many society who have strong stereotypes of women- they should cook, clean, have children and just basically look after the household. But feminism is about breaking these and saying that "No, thats not what i want to do". An example is women in japan- they have the widest income gap between their male PEERS- Reason? They're women. Women in japan are expected to have their children and become housewives. Why are women oppressed? In almost all religion (there is a buddhist prayer, when a women has made a mistake that ends with "...and hope that i will be reborn as a man"). Feminism is about equality, about women being able to get the same pay,treatment, respect in and out of the workplace. It is about being able to secure their own status in society, not being discriminated against and be held against stereotypes...

Posted By: Holly-Rae

Posted On: Jun 25, 2008
Views: 1323

Feminism is choice. Simple as.

Posted By: epeacelove

Posted On: Jun 22, 2008
Views: 1317

To me feminism is the proof that men and women are allowed to act and be treated the same. I agree with others that women and men have different rules as in clothes and strength. But where do we get off deciding as one person whether women should be allowed to have sex before marriage or go to the store without a man by their side. Then were do we go off saying that men are the only ones who can open a pickle jar or work on cars.
Women should be economically and socially independent. They shouldn't rely on men to take care of them. There is no such thing as a "man's job." It is wrong for men to be given preference for any job position, even if women traditionally aren't in that field. Men and women should be held to the same sexual standards. If men can sleep around without judgment, women should be able to as well. Women should take an equal role in dating. Women should ask out people they are interested in and take their turn in paying. Women should accept their bodies as they are. Women should not have to conform to wacky beauty ideals. A woman should be able to marry and have kids with anyone she wants - including another woman. Women should have the right to choose any path in life - from being a stay at home mom to a Fortune 500 CEO. Women should be encouraged to pursue education as much as men are. Women should have legal, easy access to all types of birth control - including the morning after pill. You would support a woman for president (if you agreed with her politics).
You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man).
You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action.

Posted By: skyla

Posted On: Jun 8, 2008
Views: 4809

Feminism is equallity. But appritiating and celebrating the differences between men n women without discrimination or prejudgce

Posted By: wagamama

Posted On: Jun 6, 2008
Views: 4808
Well, it is a battle on both fronts...

If I cause any offense to anyone at all, sorry in advance. In my personal opinion, I beleive that both men and women are judged on their gender. Though men are often paid better and considered stronger than women, they also face other challenges. Women are "allowed" to wear pants, but men aren't "allowed" to wear skirts. Women are "allowed" to not wear make-up, but men are not "allowed" to wear make-up. As a visual kei fan, I am used to, and salute how many men in this genre of music do not dress according to how men "should" dress by society's standards. I beleive that the playing ground is unequal on both sides, for very different reasons. People have to get over the gender barrier thing. And I'm nott saying that every man should wear feminine clothes and make-up, but I do think that every person deserves to be able to express themselves without worrying about what society will think of them. Sorry if all that was a little off topic, the mind wanders sometimes!
Over and out!

Posted By: Synchiron

Posted On: Apr 29, 2008
Views: 4092
Feminism, hmm.

I personally think it is an excuse for women to throw around their Vaginas as a reason to start unnecessary arguments. Feminists are the reason women have bad reputations and are constantly mocked.

Do you know where your silly feminist movements have gotten you so far?
Sheila's Wheels and Diamond Car insurance, and do you know what the biggest joke out of these two is? HANDBAG INSURANCE. This is the stereotype you have created for other women, I thank you for that.

I am female, I am a Make-up artist, not really a tom-boy, I'm a gamer, I'm a nerd, I have never owned or even used a handbag, and never in my life have I had the desire to squeal "Oh my God, Chocolate, Shoes, boys, handbags".
And there are many women out there just like me, and they too will hate being stuck in the boat of either; Blonde Ditzy Gold-digging whore, OR a raging butch lesbian who is so angry at men, for God knows what reason, so she feels it necessary to blame men for everything that goes wrong in the world.

My opinion is...If you REALLY hate being called sexy, or having passes made at you (a.k.a. any sexual harassment), then kindly put your bloody tits away.
Don't start shouting sexism, and ruining some poor sap's life, when it was your fault for having them half hanging out, all they are doing is reacting to what is on their plate.

Men are much like meat by women, as women are by men.


No I don't think the same of rape. In that case, it isn't a man committing the crime, itÂ’s a monster.

Posted By: Annie

Posted On: Apr 19, 2008
Views: 3235

Feminism is the daily battle with male stupidity to prove that just because we have boobs and less upper body strength (sometimes) does not mean that our minds are feeble in any way.

Posted By: Emily

Posted On: Apr 14, 2008
Views: 3166
Feminism poll thing

Feminism is no longer about material things. We have equal pay (ish) equal job opportunities (ish). Now what needs concentrating on is society's attitude towards women.
Women are judged on their appearance far more than men are. When it comes to judging people, gender shouldn't even be acknowledged. It's all very well and good claiming that people have natural instints and sex is one of them yah yah yah, but when everything about our modern culture is so UNnatural when you really really think about it, that argument becomes obsolete.
Feminists aren't men-hating, bra-burning lesbians like a lot of people I've spoken to about the subject think. We just want to be judged on our skills and intelligence rather than on our gender and therefore what we look like.

Posted By: Tatiana

Posted On: Apr 7, 2008
Views: 2533
Feminism is...

I think simply feminism is womankinds FIGHT for equality. Women had been supressed for so long and regarded as second class in comparison to men. it was thought that woman were good for nothing but cooking cleaning and having children, when all humans brains/minds are capable of pretty much anything regardless of gender. Women knew this and questioned why something was not done about it. so began the plight of the suffragettes and:feminism. Womans neverending fight to make men understand they we are just as capable of anything (if not more so) than men.

Posted By: Aviva Jaye

Posted On: Apr 3, 2008
Views: 2329
Feminism poll

I picked "Something different entirely," because I think feminism is multi-faceted and defined differently by many people. It did not satisfy me to say that feminism was "women being as good as men." The notion of lining up a woman's worth to a man's in the first place is something I believe, as a feminist, needs to be obliterated. I do believe there should be total equality and no more disparity, but I'd rather not settle for the men-come-first plumb line. To me, it would be like saying civil rights is people of color being as good as Whites, as though people of color are equal when we say they are or when someone acknowledges it. Therefore, I think feminism is pushing toward the truth of equality without retreat rather than waiting for everyone to get on board and say it can be true. And there is something to be said about truly respecting the feminine spirit for the power it holds, regardless of a person's gender. For me, feminism is upholding the power of that spirit and separating it from the limiting notions of gender we have that may keep us from truly respecting women and the feminine presence in our world.

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