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Posted By: Amy

Posted On: Oct 20, 2008
Views: 1519

To be honest, I find feminism to be dated and unoriginal. Lots of people have grasped the point, women can do what men do. We shouldn't need to fight so hard otherwise we come across as repetitive and nagging. We are not superior to men, just different in our own ways.

Posted By: muffin

Posted On: Oct 19, 2008
Views: 1406

feminism is about men and women being treated equally it is not about being 'as good as' the other, there will never be a way or a need to measure that and it's idiotic to bother trying

Posted By: fknbdgrb ASHLEY

Posted On: Sep 27, 2008
Views: 2559

feminism is the art of being female.
i am NOT a female, i might say.

Posted By: Mel

Posted On: Sep 16, 2008
Views: 2559

I think womanism is just where a woman stands up for what she wants to be. If she wants to be a builder or fireperson then go ahead, but if she wants to be a housewife and have lots of babies then that's cool too. We don't have to try to be as good as or better than men, we just have to be ourselves whatever that may mean.
Then again men should be able to do the same so I guess it would be more correct to call it humanism: the right to be you.

Posted By: Monique

Posted On: Sep 15, 2008
Views: 2559

I really feel it has nothing to do with 'men' per-se. If we concentrate on comparing ourselves to 'men', making ourselves to be "better", then we aren't being any more productive, then we'd like to think. But I do understand that society has made it "this and that"... which is why I feel we should make the change to see ourselves differently; people as people, judged on character, not gender.

Posted By: Travel Girl

Posted On: Sep 9, 2008
Views: 1489

i believe femenists are just women who want to do their own thing, they don't want to be tied to a house, cleaning and squeezing out kids.
We have all rights to do what we want, for instance I'm all for traveling round the world, doing research as a zoologist, then eventually settling somewhere I like, after a few years, maybe africa or Australia. I might meet somewone, I might have a family, but it sur as hell won't be the typical bitish suburban family.
That's what I class as being at least slightly femenist. If I settle down I do, but if I don't I'm not all that bothered, I'll just make plenty of friends to keep me company.

Posted By: ariel

Posted On: Sep 2, 2008
Views: 1489

feminism is about being a woman! happy, confident, and being all she can be and all she WANTS to be. its about choice. if she wants to be stronger than most man, she can go right ahead, if she wants to be old-fashion and stay at home and tend to the house and kids, she can go right ahead! its about choice and being a woman.
email me if u'ld like more about this

Posted By: Ellen

Posted On: Aug 29, 2008
Views: 1489

For me it is women’s right to be treated fairly, valued as what we contribute to society and family despite of our physical and emotional weaknesses. Shallow minded men who underrate us, please experience high heels or waxing; and it will be much more better should by miracle they are able to experience 9 months' period plus the delivery process. Maybe in that way they can appreciate us more.

Posted By: Missy Kissie

Posted On: Aug 20, 2008
Views: 3409

I believe feminiesim is Women being equal to men or trying to be better. In my opinion Feminism is Women proving that they can be what ever they want, and dont have to follow the rules that society puts out for them. However Feminism isnt just rebelion its also choosing which rules to follow and making your own. Like some feminists think its degrading for women to be stay at home mums. its not , whats degrading is the fact that society think it should be that way. Some women might really want to be a stay at home mum. Women should get to choose thir lives and not just be peices of ass to men but be their own person and not listen to the bitches who want them to be the same person they are and dress, and act the same way. Every woman is unigue and Different in thier own respect and similar in thier own respect

Posted By: Pootz

Posted On: Aug 17, 2008
Views: 3409

I read some comments that I agree with..Kat for one. I think it's about being embracing whoever you are, supporting the people you love, and showing others what is acceptable and not. If I choose to stay at home and have babies, married or not, that's ok! If I choose to go out and work, never have babies and play rugby, that's ok too. Feminism is about individuality and HUMAN rights. I choose the people in my life, men and women based on how they make me feel. Someone makes me feel bad, say about being a woman, they don't get to hang around anymore. Period. Boss doesn't pay me as much as a man? I don't work there anymore. Boyfriend doesn't listen when I talk? He's TOAST. I create the world I live in. We all do, men and women. Perhaps this is oversimplified but it works for me. I am a single mother (I HATE that classification) who has always worked in male dominated workplaces, no post secondary education and I am happy, respected and successful.

Posted By: kathy

Posted On: Aug 8, 2008
Views: 3408
dear "it's a battle on both fronts"....

dear "it's a battle on both fronts"....

just one little comment, sorry, something you said just got under my skin.

you said women are allowed to wear pants, but men can't wear skirts. but, dear sir, you are mistaken. men are allowed to wear skirts, except i often hear them pronounced 'kilts.'

which is purely a cultural thing. if you want to wear a skirt, well, i hardly doubt anybody is going to die out of shock.

Posted By: Katie

Posted On: Aug 8, 2008
Views: 1639

Saying that one sex is better than the other is neither fair nor evidence based. It's just downright egotistical.

So then others would propose the idea of equality: that women are equal to men, and men are equal to women.

In all honesty, I lingered over that last statement a bit. It seems that this notion of 'equality' has been pushed at us a lot lately. Somewhere along the lines of societal development, somebody decided that this meant a woman can do anything and everything a man can do, and vice versa. Well, if I've been paying attention in my Math class (and trust me, I was...) then that is NOT what being equal means. If there's one thing that got drilled into my head during those weekly 3 hour long classes, it was my Professor's persistent argument about what 'equals' actually means.
It works like this...

got it?
there is nobody EQUAL to you because being equal to something means that it is exactly the same. a copy. you cannot be equal to me. i cannot be equal to you. we're just equal with ourselves.

Now I know that sounds a little out there and a bit random (trust me, I gave my Prof a few weird looks too), but it makes sense when you actually think about it.

And so feminism isn't about women trying to be exactly the same as men, and it isn't about men trying to be exactly the same as women. Feminism is about having the opportunity to try new things, to shake up social norms, and to bend the gender rules. Feminism is about discovering who you are, instead of who everyone else thinks you should be.

So if a woman decides she wants to stay at home and raise her children and cook and clean... well, good for her!
And if a man decides he wants to work, and go fishing with the guys on the weekends... well, good for him!
And if the opposite were to happen, well that's just fine too.

Posted By: Darren

Posted On: Aug 7, 2008
Views: 1620

I tend to think that feminism is just female influence.

Posted By: msj

Posted On: Aug 2, 2008
Views: 1620

hey too all my f girls out there i might get shoot for this but hey god put us here too tease and show men how attractive we are but that doesn't mean were easy sluts hell no its all about us girls being able too do what we want without having too submit too guys and there needs its about making them work but is it wrong just too accept a complement?

Posted By: Lotte

Posted On: Aug 2, 2008
Views: 1620

To me feminism is the idea that women are people. And although in Britain women ARE treated like this, I still support feminism. For the same reason I support human rights, free healthcare etc. Just because you have something doesn't mean you stop supporting it.

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