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Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jul 25, 2016
Views: 956

The Nigerian Labour Congress challenged the greedy governors to do away with this unconstitutional use of public funds through which they steal but in their shameless reply boldly told them that they will not stop it as it is used for security. This is laughable and a direct affront to the Nigerian masses.My simple questions are firstly are they fighting a civil war?Secondly what of the monies voted for the Nigerian Police and the Nigerian Army? What of the Internal Generated Revenue they pocket? Why must Nigerians not be given an account of how much is allocated and how it is being spent? Anyway time will come when they will tell Nigerians the truth.It is an irony that these governors who were broke before being made governors suddenly become extremely rich overnight.
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) which knows that these governors loot their States treasuries while in office have not done something to stop this financial crime.They will start shouting and running after them and making caricature of themselves in courts. Please they should stop this drama of running after looters and causing distraction. Nigerians need a break from this nonsense
To the Governors. My question is all those that have looted Nigeria are they happy? The answer is capital NO.
Recently the US government accused three Nigerian Senators of rape and soliciting for sex. This unsubstantiated allegation was quickly accepted by a civilised United States of America and they were quick to cancel their visas. This is laughable. Even the US ambassador was quick to write the Nigerian Government a letter on a spurious allegation. This is shameful and it is the highest incompetency. If I should insinuate that this is hatred and racism I think I am correct.
My father told me that I should always carry out actions using my brains and not from my heart as you are always likely to misjudge other people.. The US government decided from their hearts. And this probably one of the reasons there is always racial tensions in America.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jul 19, 2016
Views: 910

I met an Irish lady and told how my dad told me how Irish Catholic priests worked very hard in Nigeria to uplift the Spiritual and Educational standards of Nigerians. I was surprised when I went to Ireland and observed that religion has been relegated to the background and no more going to Church by the youths and only old people are found in Church.
She said they question why they must fear God and religion has brought a lot of hardships to their country and religion has brought a lot of division in world..
I told her that they were wrong as the fear we should have for God is not that of servitude or being a slave which some philosophers indoctrinated them to believe and are now dead.The fear of God is an awesome type. The type you have for your parents. That fear of not letting them down by involving yourself in any type of scandal. That is the fear Christians have for God
When I traveled to Nigeria the personal assistant of a politician was so scared to call his boss in Abuja or send a message to him that a man from the constituency he represents had a problem that needs his attention.I was made to understand that majority of the members of the Nigerian National Assembly hide from those they represent. They do not care about those they represent and hide in Abuja which is wrong. They complain that they disturb. And then why did they stand to be elected? They do not have an office where they can be located in their constituencies.
The governors, also hide from their people through being locked up by Policemen as security measures this hides them from their people..This also applies to ministers who work with presidents..In a democratic set up these are the dividends of democracy,access to leaders. Even states assemblies are involved. Then why are they representing them?
Theresa May the new British PM addressed Parliament for the first time and talked about developing nuclear arms. I believe she was only given a script to read.When the world is talking of denuclearization she wants more nuclear weapons. A friend made a remark that she had no brains and Cameron was better and does not see her running the government efficiently

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jul 1, 2016
Views: 922

Any Government that is power that fails to create jobs and protect the currency of its nation is not fit to govern a country.
By allowing the Nigerian currency to have a free fall is like an irresponsible parent allowing their children to grow up in the streets and are battered and heckled by gang groups to do their will and I need not tell you what those kids will grow up to become.
The problem of unemployment started from SAP introduced by IMF when there was that crazy idea of "EMBARGO ON EMPLOYMENT"the backlog of that unemployment programme is what is causing Nigeria's unemployment problem today. Leaving the Nigerian currency unprotected will bring disaster on the economy.
The laying off of staff by Nigerian banks due to the introduction of a single account by Federal Government is unpatriotic as these institutions are the real agents of corruption. The top managements should be sacked as they have run out of ideas.
And finally the State Governments are corrupt due to the security votes which nobody knows about how much is given to States and nobody accounts for the money. The Governors remove the security votes and no matter how little they get from such allocations and they are not bothered if staff salaries and pensions of senior citizens are not paid. This is more humane persons are needed as leaders

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jul 1, 2016
Views: 874

Their reasons for refusal these girls if the information I got are laughable..
They claimed that The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) wrote them a letter a long time ago to deny persons travelling in groups Visa.
It was also alleged that the person who signed the documents presented at the Embassy was a dead man It was also alleged that the documents were submitted late..
NAPTIP accepted that it wrote all Embassies and High Commissioned to inform them about persons travelling in groups. That is the last thing any High Commission or Embassy will do in Nigeria as they do not have an atom of respect for any Nigerian that comes to seek entry into their countries despite the payment of huge visa processing fees that are nonrefundable. The NAPTIP admitted that the Nigerian Basket Ball Federation wrote them a letter but did not come back for a reply. This is what incompetency is all about. How can you be written a letter and you refused to reply the letter?
The Spanish Embassy alleged that the documents were signed by a dead official. The Federal Government of Nigeria should follow up this allegation as it has always been passive about insults from many countries. Keeping quiet is bad and cast smear on the image of the country.
As for the National Sports Commission that alleged that documents were submitted late. They are a supervising body and they were in the knowledge that these girls qualified to represent Africa despite playing with only nine girls in the team as a result of being shortchanged by greedy officials from the National Sports Commission back home in Nigeria.
Many as usual will ask why am I so concerned and what is my business and my gain. A very good friend who watched 5hese girls perform gave me the video to watch and I was very impressed and we disappointed at their absence in Spain.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jun 30, 2016
Views: 863

I never imagined in my wildest dream that Britain will exit the European Community based on the fact that our application was twice rejected before it was finally accepted. David Cameron was not supported by Labour as Ed Milliband did when the referendum of Scotland to leave the UK was conducted. The support of Labour was overwhelming hence the leaving of Scotland was defeated. They threw away party affiliation and worked together. The resignation of David Cameron was shocking and Britain will later understand where he wanted to lead his country but was frustrated. He will continue to be a hero and my hero..
The British are very lucky to have patriotic leaders who will not take advantage of their people. Majority of the youths do not care about what happens in the country Most of them do not read newspapers and many thought BREXIT meant chasing away people from other countries and of different race.. They never understood the economic consequences as Britain have been taken thirty years backwards as any prime minister that will take over will face an herculean task.That minister will be hated as there will be a number of cuts for the economy to survive.
Margret Thatcher was able to bring Britain out of the woods with her hash policies and the next Prime Minister will have to do more cuts than Margret Thatcher..
We should be good losers and face the consequences of BREXIT.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jun 22, 2016
Views: 845

À world basketball championship to be held in Spain by the Federation of International Basketball Association and the Nigerian team was denied visa to participate in the tournament with no reasons. This is laughable and a slight on FIBA the organisers of the tournament which chose Spain to host it.
Spain won the U21 World cup in Nigeria and if Nigerian Embassy in Spain had denied them visa to participate in Nigeria how would they have felt?
And besides Basketball is a very unpopular sport in Nigeria and these young girls who left school for camp for one month as I was informed and missing their studies were not allowed to participate in what they love and are determined to make basketball become popular were turned back just like that.
The problem is that most entry officers in Embassies and High Commissions are untrained and their level of reasoning is low. Most of them are not educated. They are incompetent and biased.
All International Sports Associations should not allow countries that discriminate to host such tournaments and Spain must be sanctioned for this senseless action.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Jun 10, 2016
Views: 873

It is surprising that while other African Countries flew their national flags at half mast Nigeria never bothered to give him any form of respect.
Though I am among his critics due to his exclusion of younger players in the Nigerian team but I felt devastated when I heard about his sudden death.He lost his wife not quite a long time ago to cancer and this makes his children to become orphans. May his Soul rest in peace. Yesterday as I was driving late home I came across a traffic light and it showed green and amber which says "Go if you can" But I checked my mirrors and saw that there was no vehicle behind and stopped as I learnt my lesson when I stopped a man who was in haste behind me suddenly drove into me. There was a Police Patrol car in front who were at the right junction waiting for the lights. They decided to park and wait at at the roadside. Probably they felt it was because of my spotting them that I I did not bear the lights. They followed behind as I went through over four traffic lights before putting on their beacon lights and siren. I pulled over and one of them threatened me he would give me ticket and walked away.
President Buhari should name looters so as to shame them and members of their families for generations.
There was this man whose son looted government treasury. The father was not impressed and asked him to return the money as what he had was too much as compared to his earning. The father refused to take anything from him till he died through he was poor.
Few looters have gone to jail and back but their consciences are still in jail. Many will say what is conscience? Everybody does it so I am not the first and will not be the last.
If you know that the type of clothes you put on,the car you drive, the food you eat and the type of friends you keep will bring scandal of any form stop them and do not say people are jealous.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: May 13, 2016
Views: 914

The price of petrol has been increased through deregulation. But will it solve the problem a? I do not think so as Importers are meant to source for foreign exchange. The dollar has risen to over N300.0 per dollar and fixing pump price at N145.00, will not be acceptable to Importers who will want to make profits after sourcing their foreign exchange. They will want to sell for at least N200. 0 per litre.
So the planned strikes and protests will not help as at N145.0 per litre will not be enough to bring in enough supply. The queues will still return. This is the reason why a nation's currency should be protected.
Look at the money allocated for diversification of the economy is fixed by those in charge and give beneficiaries conditions that they cannot meet. These bodies ask for the formation of associations whom the leaders are bribed and nothing is done to develop sectors. Nobody audits these banks like the Bank of Industry and Bank of Agriculture to make sure beneficiaries get the funds.
Recently President Obama was speaking of infrastructures in America as many people in the construction industry are not employed and more money should be allocated to the sector. In Nigeria the infrastructres are packing up every day and leaders are more interested in themselves. No electricity and nobody cares and I always wondered why the economy has not collapsed. Many are unemployed in the construction industry.
Coming to the Niger Delta Avengers. The points they raised are very disturbing. Nigeria has been hijacked by a few people at the top. Something must be done to rescue Nigeria from their grip by making funds available at the grassroots.
I repeat again if Buhari cannot bail out Nigeria from crooks then Nigeria will be gone.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: May 12, 2016
Views: 913

The UK will not leave the EU. Trump campaign team is going to kill his ambition if steps are not taken to consult experts.
I won't divulge my idea in this blog due to intellectual theft which I have suffered a lot. I have seen a lot of my ideas stolen by a number of individuals groups and organizations. In University were trained never to use other people's work without permission or acknowledgement. This is not proper.
Contact this e-mail address which I have always provided to Sunnewsonline.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: May 6, 2016
Views: 910

Whenever there is an economic downturn in a country the World Bank and IMF will always give lazy solutions. They ask for banning of new employment, downsizing of workforce, reduction of wages. In my opinion these actions are lazy actions and should not be tolerated in this millennium as better and more innovative solutions should be applied by top management and economists.
These actions have never solved problems but have increased them. I stand to be corrected if they can point to a country where they solved the problem of that country by the application of such solutions.
They should grow up and be more innovative instead of the application of solutions that will help to destroy economies of "third world" countries with impunity.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: May 5, 2016
Views: 888

About five years ago a reader commended my writings that they were inspiring and would recommend this blog to his friends.
I was humbled and really could not reply. I have been having this in mind for long that probably he has it that I snubbed him.
Please if you are reading this article I sincerely apologize for my action as it is rude to ignore anybody complimenting your article.
Once again I was humbled and did not know what to write.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: May 1, 2016
Views: 898

There no country in the world where laws are not properly enforced and expect it to develop.
In developed countries there are criminals who have the mind to steal and commit atrocities but what keeps them going is laws are no respecter of persons. When you break the laws you must have to face the consequences no matter whom you are.
Nigerian lawyers think more of what they will earn from defending a criminal rather than the destruction of the economy of their country. I am quite sure they are not taught about ethics during their studies. Just like Pope St. John Paul II told an audience of Catholic lawyers not to handle divorce cases as anybody that is involved in the case of divorce will be equally guilty of the sin. Real Christians know the consequences of getting divorced after being married in the Church. Many people who feel they are all knowing will argue. Similarly majority of lawyers in the UK will not have anything to do with immigration cases as the average Briton believes foreigners are the cause of their problems. This is an uncivilised way of thinking. Not only them but the entire Western world.
Coming back to Nigeria a civil servant is dismissed for embezzlement of funds under his or her care instead of reporting the person to the police or law enforcement agencies for prosecution they are allowed to go free. A lawmaker steals constituent funds to buy houses and marry wives and buy cars nobody cares.
There should be bodies, I mean honest bodies with people who are not hungry about making money for their selfish interest.
Many honest people are available but the evil people who are the the majority will not allow this to happen. But how long will the evil persons have their way? Their evil deeds will come to an end when true leaders come.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Apr 21, 2016
Views: 898

Looking at the persons running the affairs of Nigeria there very few of them with what is called integrity and conscience to move that country forward.
Many still believe that being in a position of authority gives them the opportunity to steal. This is the mentality of this generation and until two generations come in this stupid mentality will continue to prevent the growth of Nigeria.
Many reading this article will say I am too hard on those in power. But I have worked with several persons in charge of power and authority in many developed countries and I have seen the difference in their mentality and honesty of purpose.
Nigeria says she will send men to space. This is a laughable proposal even though there are people with all paper qualifications but is that right attitude of seriousness and dedication required for such a venture? Can the funds allocated for such a project be honestly handled with the right attitude and sincerity. Just imagine the cars bought for law makers was inflated and the Nigerian Police refused to investigate the allegations due to the fact that the institution is weak. Any criminal case is supposed to be investigated by them even though the Economicl, Fraud and Crime Commission under the Police is losing the trust Nigerians had for them.
Many of the Churches and Mosques no longer teach their faithfuls morality, honesty, integrity. Pastors now use offering money and tithes to live extravagant lifestyles and throwing away the very modest life Jesus Christ lived. They will surely account for their sins. The problem is that they refuse to examine their conscience and support themselves with passages from the Bible. No problem we shall all stand before Him.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Mar 31, 2016
Views: 889

The man has added a lot of drama in his method of campaign. He is thinking and acting outside the box which is exciting Americans who want a change in the way things are being done.
All the fears expressed concerning him do not exist as he cannot hurt and fly.

Posted By: Tony

Posted On: Mar 8, 2016
Views: 916

Wwhenever I read the story of Jonah in the Bible who preached to the Ninivites and they repented. This made God to relent the punishment He intended to mete on them. This same man became angry with God for not destroying those he preached to and they repented. This story always reminds me that man is a dangerous animal no matter the position they occupy that wickedness is always inborn in them.
The slave trade which was forced on Africa by the West made Africans to labor for more than a hundred years without pay. My concern is that they were not given any skill throughout their sojourn in the countries they found themselves. They were wickedly not allowed to develop skills in building roads, architecture, building of houses, many and other technologies being used in the countries they found themselves.
Then after the abolition of slave trade due to protests by Christians who have the Spirit of God in them despite harassments from rich heartless slave traders the slaves were freed.
Many of them were shipped back to Africa with no skills to help build their new countries and were not able to develop and their masters felt no guilt in their minds up till this day. They still come to shamelessly exploit them.
If they were adequately empowered Africa would have been better.
Whenever I ask my friends why was this evil committed against Africa? Their answer is it was done by their great, great, great grandfathers and not them.

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