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Posted By: Andrea

Posted On: Dec 7, 2001
Views: 1594
Judge Milian

I tape the show every day. My and I look forward
to watching the show every evening. It is more
entertaining and informative than anything else on
the boob tube. She is a brilliant judge with a
great sense of humor. She is certainly is very
attractive too.

Posted By: Neilly

Posted On: Dec 7, 2001
Views: 1649
judge milian

I just want to say that Judge Milian has been the best Judge on People Court. She is down to earth and does not degrade people for their mistakes like Jude Judy. I definitely think the show would get more ratings if they had better cases. She is definitely a fair Judge and truthfully applies the law. she is doing a terrific job!!!

Posted By: Norma

Posted On: Dec 6, 2001
Views: 1655
Judge Milian

Love Judge Milian. She has the ability to read a person before they even open their mouth. Very down to earth and never a hesitator. Her rulings make sense. Love when she gets angry and her accent comes out and whips out the Spanish proverbs. The show will not suceed without her. Congratulations on the new baby!!!

Posted By: Megan Frasch

Posted On: Dec 4, 2001
Views: 1652
Judge Milian

I love the Judge. She certainly is a magnificant judge. I love the way she isn't afraid to say what she is feeling and not afraid to express it. I also love the way she brings her Latin roots into her rulings, by saying Spanish sayings. She is truly a beautiful woman, both on the inside and out. I am sure she and her husband are both wonderful parents. I am very happy for them and the birth of her daughter on November 28th. Congratulations to Judge Milian, John, Cristina, and Alexandra!!!! What a wonderful gift for the holiday season!!!!

Posted By: Cathy Latane

Posted On: Dec 1, 2001
Views: 1640
Judge Marilyn Milian

I agree with all the positive statements about
Judge Marilyn Milian. She is, without a doubt,
my hero! She tells it like it is, is not afraid
to be emotional, and cares so much for the
rights of children. My hat is off to her! Not
since Judge Wapner has there been such a forceful
judge on the People's Court. For goodness sakes,
producers!! Promote Judge Marilyn! She is a
gold mine! She is beautiful, brilliant, knows
her law, has a great sense of humor, and is just
incredibly charismatic! ! ! I could only hope
that my 8-year old daughter could grow up to be
as strong a personality as Judge Marilyn Milian.
She is my shining star and I'd dearly love to
see more of her on TV! I love you Judge Marilyn!
You are so wonderful - the BEST!

Posted By: Ed - Mt Vernon, WA

Posted On: Nov 22, 2001
Views: 1626
Judge Millian

I have been very impressed with her abilities to communicate and connect with litigants.. I often feel and been witness to Judges who appear disconnected with the people but, only the bare facts.. She digs for the truth and the motivations of the action(s) in dispute.. often the root cause of the opposing differences requiring professional Judgement as in this Court of Law. I have enjoyed the overall People's Court.. but, so much negativity in our lives and constantly since Sept 11.. it is difficult to seek this type of entertainment / education.. I no longer enjoy watching the TV News and prefer viewing the actual litigation and final judgements with the explannation of decisions made.

I also enjoy Judge Millians facial expressions and personal experiences she often relates to her audience and to the litigants.

I believe it very unfortunate that our extensive Public Educational System does not allow for the required study and understanding of the dynamics and reasoning within the Judicial System which would help everyone better avoid such simplistic disputes.. until such education is presented it will continue to burden and stifle us just as it has been thrust upon us.. I am speaking of the primary understandings of how to resolve disputed issues which often reoccur throughout this Great Nation.

Posted By: Lynn

Posted On: Nov 18, 2001
Views: 1504
Judge Milian's the coolest.

I love the judge. I think her rulings are totally fair and that she is VERY good at what she does. She's been doing it for over 16 yrs. They hella need to premote it more though. Judge Milian should go on some talk shows like The Wiew or Regis & Kelly, etc...

Posted By: MCM

Posted On: Nov 15, 2001
Views: 1491
Judge Marilyn Milian is the best

I think that Judge Marilyn Milian is the best judge on TV! She has a great sense of humor and is almost "right on" with her rulings. This is the only Court show I will watch. SHe is the best!

Posted By: susan hon

Posted On: Nov 12, 2001
Views: 1411
keep judge milian

the first day i saw people court ..i was so impressed with judge milian..she is awesome....i watch it everyday....keep her....she make the show..she need to receive award...u go milian

Posted By: Megan J.

Posted On: Nov 9, 2001
Views: 1376
Judge Milian

The Judge is a very pretty, respectable, young woman. She loves what she does and is very good at it. I`ve been watching the show for several monthes now and have never miss a show..she's the reason! I didnt really like Judge Jerry, I though that he was just tryin to be too much like his wife and one Judge Judy is enough for me! I love Judge Milian!

Posted By: Ronald A. Wright

Posted On: Nov 9, 2001
Views: 1374
Judge Milian

I agree with a lot of the other comments that had been made. If the cast would choose better cases (litigants) for Judge Milian, then the ratings would take care of it self. I'm just trying to decide what kind of crime I need to commit to go before her. Back when I was a teenager (getting speeding tickets) the judge I remember was no where as pretty as her.

Posted By: Debi

Posted On: Nov 8, 2001
Views: 1363
Judge Milian

Judge Milian is far better than all the others put together. Who ever is in charge of determining the litigants just needs to weed out some of those that clearly just want to be on TV.

Posted By: Irwin

Posted On: Nov 8, 2001
Views: 1331
Judge Miliyan

Please keep the show going, as she is the best ever, that the peoples court has got. She is fair, and she does not humiliate people in court as Judge Judy does. Judge Judy thinks that she is it and she should be fired. It is pleasnt to watch Judge Miliyan. I wondewr why the NBC executives keep Judge Judy. She is disgusting to watch and she is very discriminating. I wish I had a case with her, unfortunately I do not, and do not want to have oe, if I did I would really tell her off in court. How can her show have more ratings than Judge Miliyan's? Some people are crazy to vote for for Judge Judy.

Posted By: Bonnie Hamilton

Posted On: Oct 28, 2001
Views: 1335
Judge Milian

I just LOVE the peoples court now that Judge Milian took over. She really makes the show interesting and tells it like it is. Keep up the good work.

Bonnie Hamilton

Posted By: Mary Walsh

Posted On: Oct 28, 2001
Views: 1340
Judge Milian an inspiration to all women...

Having never watched the show... I caught the last 15 minutes while on maternity leave with my new baby... I was so impressed to see such a positive strong women Judge. Judge Milian is spicy, smart, and is obviously pationate about seeking American justice. Having been a fairly successful software designer, was in a slump. Judge Milian has inspired me to go back to school and get a law degree. I hope that at some point in my life, I can inspire someone, the way Judge Milian has inspired me. Even if the only person I inspire is my baby daughter... Thank you Judge Milian !

Best regards,

Mary Walsh

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