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Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 688

Suckled. Correct---as on the breast as they say. So the poor who refuse to work are on the breast. Get it.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 587
Old times

Rome & Greece. Our constitution is not even taken into consideration anymore. Remember the war on terror which means that we can spend spend spend.

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 615

Suckled ? The context with wich you used it makes no sense, but then again - what should I expect.

Posted By: Frank the realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 615

Succled---as in su**led--it was blocked before so I wrote it a different---sorry capt genius and the english professor would be proud to know that I graduated with a degree in English--easiest degree to get! Just wanted to make you proud kunt. No reason to lie; especially on a half rate blog. I have the sinking suspicion you guys are jealous; I am cutting into your know-it-all time? Obviously you should be running this country. Do you really think the republicans want less government? Are you kidding me? They have raped the constitution in the name of terror--come on know lets be serious.

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 615

"We are basing our government on ancient ideals that did not work"

Like the Constitution ?

What ancient ideals are you talking about ?

You are clueless.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 612

Anarchy is a good start. We need to start with a clean slate. We are basing our government on ancient ideals that did not work. All governments are doomed to fail. All we need are a ton of nuclear weapons to protect ourselves.

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 614
Frank the wordsmith

What is a succold ?

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 619

An absence of any government would simply turn into chaos. Obviously that would not work. I'll take the logical leap then, and say that you would be for LESS government ? Which party do you think is for LESS government - Rep or Dem ? Certainly not the second. Even the GOP, in it's watered-down state, trying to pander more to the dems - has lost it's way - but the principle of smaller government is still there. Dems believe in involving themselves in every facet of your life from cradle to grave. I, for one, want LESS gov't regulation & interference. I believe that the gov't exists to provide necessary services to the public - and that's it.

Posted By: English Professer

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 610
Captian Obviuos

Frank is obviously a mental case. He's sitting at the NYS unemployment office using the computer for personal use. He's the biggest abuser of tax payer money. He's probably looking at grandmother porn, since he obviously has a fixation. He should get busy getting a haircut and interviewing at Burger King or Arby's.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 602

Anarchy, why not? What else is going to change the state of things....Spend spend spend

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 602

I'm actually under the independant party--but they are far from being independant. But either way it makes no difference. Nothing can be done to change the downhill plunge were in. But to say i'm confused is wrong---I don't have to be a republican to have a problem with people that are succolds to the system. Its called a middle ground. I don't bother adhering to either one of the lying parties. I'm afraid for WNY.

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 595

Anarchy , huh ? That's the most assinine statement yet. I can't even debate such a stupid idea.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 593
Capt Obvious

Ok kunt your on.

Democrats are full of crap; they play to the poor even though their vote rarely makes a difference.

Republicans could careless about the people, the main differnce is that they don't pretend to care.

Seeing these 2 parties are the only ones "worthwhile" I figured we can start there.

I'm for anarchy. I believe the entire is screwed with whomever gets in office.

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 589
Frank/ debate

By your obvious disdain for republicans, it is clear that you are a democrat. You state that all people on public assistance should be "cut off". That is more in line with a republican that a democratm who have slowly created an entitlement society in this county, state, country. You are confused as usual ! You'd better not say that too loud, the dems will kick you out !

Posted By: Captain Obvious

Posted On: Oct 1, 2007
Views: 595

Okay, how about we debate political parties, you bufoon ! In one sentence you brand me a republican, then you infer that I voted for Keane. Do you know that only registered democrats can vote in the democratic primary, you imbecile ? If I was a republican would that be possible ? Think about it.

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