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Posted By: R.K.Thakur

Posted On: Mar 29, 2004
Views: 1187
to all

I think we should avoid personal comments, so don't run behind Manish.
By the way perfect word for him is just a dramebaaz, BAHURUPIA and not a chameleon, as the later changes the colour only for his sake, not uselessly.

Posted By: R.K.Thakur

Posted On: Mar 29, 2004
Views: 1195
To Pravin and others

There is no doubt about Laloo's drama which is going to end soon. But the ghost of his name will scare every one for minimum of 50 years now onwards. Because the seeds of castism which has been shown deep in hearts of the people is not going to go untill people realise its uselessness on their own. By castism i mean the mentality of thinking in favor of only individual's caste (caste system is existing for time immemorial but the narrowness of thoughts have come over last few decades only named as castism) In any case, people in Bihar in particular will have to brave out this situation and plan and do the development on their own. Removal of Laloo alone will useles if people are not coming out of their shells of caste and work to bring on the track of development.

Posted By: R.K.Thakur

Posted On: Mar 29, 2004
Views: 1175
To Anita and others

Surely Dr.Manish is not a low morale creature, yes he is a Chameleon as some one (probably permanently in disguise, never confident enough to show even his real name), has written correctly. As a bihari, a well wisher of all the biharis specially those who are out side bihar, i feel that manish is wasting too much of his time on this site. Probably he wants to join politics, surely neither Laloo nor BJP will be imoressed with his ideas, so he is wasting his time and effort fully. But he can excell in drama writting! The only area for him.
Morale is a different thing, a bigger thing, don't denounce some one like this just because you had to fight tooth and nail with his ghist.

Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Mar 29, 2004
Views: 1185
Laloo's reality

Even the party members are telling the truth about the Laloo 'A MASSIHA OF POORS".

Disgruntled RJD Leaders Bash Laloo, His Politics
Patna: March 29, 2004

‘Tis the season of splitsville and backstabbing in all political parties, though the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) appears to be leading the pack. The same leaders who swore by the RJD chief Laloo Prasad Yadav’s name and gave him the title of the ‘messiah’ of the poor, are now calling him a man without principles and someone who is blinded by power.

Reason for such drastic turnaround? Simple. Yadav did not patronize them with an election ticket!

The latest to join the anti-Laloo crowd are the Food and Supplies Minister Puranmasi Ram and the Weights and Measures Minister Chhedi Lal Paswan. Both have announced their decision to resign from the RJD and join other parties in the hope of getting their itching hands on a ticket from any constituency.

Paswan, in his tirade against Laloo, said that under Laloo-Rabri regime, there is no room for justice and Yadav and his men do whatever they wish to do. He further said that he would resign from the party on Monday and join the JD-U and was hopeful of contesting the election from Hajipur where he would be facing his own caste-man and Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) president Ram Vilas Paswan.

Ram, on the other hand, said that he would contest the election from Bagaha as an independent candidate. “Laloo Prasad Yadav is the single-most anti-Socialism person on the earth. He is a man without principle and the biggest liar of the century”, Chhedi Ram, without mincing words, said on Sunday.

Meanwhile, yet another self-crowned champion of the Dalits in Bihar, Ramai Ram, is maintaining an eerie silence over his frustration over not being considered for a ticket from Hajipur. With the LJP-RJD alliance, Ram is pretty much out of the constituency that he says he has nurtured for several years building a solid vote-bank.

There is good possibility he may also join the JD-U.

Posted By: Anita Choudhary

Posted On: Mar 29, 2004
Views: 1197
To Rajesh and his love bird Manish

Rajesh and Manish,
No body is foe to Manish. He is not a great intellectual. He is absolutely a very low level creature. It was very easy to denounce Manish and declare him low level creature. The person, who writes on behalf of pretending to be his wife or south Indian friends and put them under unnecessary harsh comments, can nothing but a low level creature.
If you are similar to Manish and have same value, then you are also nothing but a low level creature and that is the reason, you are champion of Laloo and his goons, the Naxals.
You can talk to Manish or do whatever you want. If Manish has any dignity, he should not join this forum.

Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1219
Prakash Jha contesting from Bettiah

Every one knows that when Prakash Jha has decided to contest from Bettia as **INDEPENDENT**, who is going to get benefitted (RJD or NDA). Prakash Jha has really shown that he is a "Vibhishan of Bihar". He is trying to repeat same story as Anand Mohan did for Laloo.


Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1198

Please let me know if these answers are correct. I was holding them back to know your true identity. Now that it is known who you are, I will reveal the answers"

(1) Who had changed the capital of MAGADH from RAJAGIRA to PATALIPUTRA ?

The answer is: Udayin

(2) Who was the Buddhist to tell that the city will have the danger of FLOOD, FIRE, and FIGHT?

The answer is : Lord Buddha ( ref. - patali sutta which is a part of Khudaka Nikaya ) - a buddhist text.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1182
To : Foes of Dr Manish

Why do you guys want Dr Manish out of this forum? Because his views are different from yours and he puts it so eloquently that you are unable to counter? And Ms Anita Choudhary, how did you come to know about his low moral character?
Finally, what are you going discuss if other subscribe same view as yours? Compete among yourselves who can abuse Laloo the most? Get out of your box and interact with people who are different. By the way, this process is called growing up.

Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1154

You are nothing, but a chameleon. You know what it means.

Posted By: Anita Choudhary

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1154
To Dr. Manish

I just can not use word "Dr" for a person like you. I used at the top just to direct my mail to you. You do not deserve any respect.

You are a shameless creature. How can you see yourself in mirror? I really pity on you. You are neither a good man nor a good doctor. You are of very low moral character. It will be better for you that you leave this forum. You are not doing any good to the cause of Bihar. You are shameless soul.
May God help you.

Posted By: Dr. Manish

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1156

This is the condition of able person in India in general and Bihar in particular. I strongly believe that which ever party it is, candidates should be maximum possible qualified proffesionally, academically, economically only then he / she will be responsible and will understand his responsibility. But a rebelion police is never respected. Have you ever thought why the hero of 1857 Mr. Mangal Pandey doesn't have as much of statues as he deserves, not even in Bihar?

Posted By: Dr. Manish

Posted On: Mar 28, 2004
Views: 1154
to all

out come of todays KYON SUNE AAPKI (AAJ TAK) is all the leaders from bihar are useless, Laloo is able but useless, Nitish is totally unable.
so, what is the way out, produce some able leader and till that time tolerate the humiliation, poverty, crime, discomfort......

Posted By: Dr. Manish

Posted On: Mar 27, 2004
Views: 1173
to Rajesh

You see i had never left the forum, changed the name alone. It is not the addiction, it is the conscern for Bihar.
Mr. Rajesh Singh, discuss old MPS, not the election and the candidates. Any way why you should tell some one to change his/ her title alone. If you don't like him you can change his name as awhole. You are telling him to change his title because he has cheated you being your caste. Then you are a fool that even now you are voting for your caste. The lizard or the wolf is not at fault, you deserve the friendship of such characters and their out falls.

Posted By: Rajesh singh

Posted On: Mar 27, 2004
Views: 1160
Radha mohansingh

Dear Radhamohan singh
Why you people are in politics. When we need yr help u cannot , but when u need vote u do come to us as a BECHARA and use to pray for vote. Cut yr surname SINGH from yr name and put there LALCHI ,because you r like that.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 27, 2004
Views: 1163
Dr Manish

I knew you would be back. This forum is so addictive.

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