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Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 837
Naxalite movement

You can't dismiss naxalism by comparing it with communism. These terms, capitalism, communism etc are borrowed from west which may not reflect situation here. There is no denying fact that naxalism brought some good to the agrarian poor. They are now more aware of their rights. They now get better wages and subject to less brutal condition that government could never provide.
Yes there are violent, but who is not? Police is more repressive. The government is partial, they banned naxalite groups but not private armies.

Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 819
Who is to blame for Bihar's problem

Rajesh -- as someone else has pointed it out earliar, the question of allotment of meager sum of money for the state of Bihar (especially after its bifurcation from minerally-rich Jharkhand) comes only if the alloted sum of money had been utilized to its fullest amount. At that time you had accepted that Bihar Government did not utilize than fund fully, but went ahead to blame federal government for not alloting more money to Bihar. Your argument was that the ratio of utilized money/alloted money will remain the same. So, if the center had alloted more money, bihar govt would have spend more money (in absolute numers). This does not make any sense.

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 822
To Rajesh and his fellow Naxalite brothers

You are a hard core leftist and still believes that communism/socialism will do good to human kind. You are supporting a lost cause. Communism was curse on the growth and devt of human society. You go Russia and other old socialist countries and will see what damages it has brought on the society and how destroyed the spirit of human beings.
I personally know many hard core leftists of my college time, some of them took the path of devt and growth and presently enjoying life. Very few remained leftist and dedicated their life and I have seen their plight and how they have destroyed their own family and children under the name of communism.
The Naxals are nothing but bunch of criminals who found other way to extort money in the name of poor. These people need to be dealt like criminals and should be stopped before it is too late and destroy our society. The Central govt should take toughest stand against these criminals and bring justice to them. They are burden on this earth.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 826
Naxalites using children as human shield

If it is true then it is tragedy and degeneration of naxalite movement. It may be the disinformation campaign unleased by the police.
The naxalite movement (and violence) I know in Bihar and Jharkhand is largely principled. I do hear about extortions and high handedness but they are largely at higher moral ground compared to the police and landlord's private armies. I have not heard them killing women and children on purpose.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 825
Who is to blame for Bihar's problem

I agree with you and others that the state of Bihar is not good. I also believe that there are multiple reasons for this problem, not just one. First we need not look anywhere but ourselves (each for us and politicians we elect) first.
External factors such as deprivation of legitimate share of fund added to the problem. For this again I would blame our government and our MPs first for not being aggressive enough to get due share of the national pie.

Posted By: B.K. Singh

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 814
Still some believe in Naxalites

So much so for Naxalites protecting the children and women!

[Source story at: nt17%2Etxt&counter_img=17 ]

Maoists using children as human shields

Biswajeet Banerjee/ Lucknow

Amid reports of mass abduction and sexual abuse of kids, Maoist rebels operating along the Uttar Pradesh-Nepal border have announced raising a militia of children who will form a human shield during police crackdown.

The decision to use children as "human shield" was taken in a meeting of the Maoist leaders held somewhere along the UP-Nepal border on January 10. Maoist student wing leader Kamal Shahi has been entrusted with the job to raise the militia, a top intelligence source told The Pioneer on Thursday.

Sources claim that abduction of children along the border has increased in the last two months.

"Some return after few days while others are still reported missing", the official said.

He said children are being taken to nearby jungle where they are given pep-up talks and shown films. "These must be motivational films through which the Maoists expose the children to their ideology", the source said.

Alarmed at the increase in cases of abduction, the Indian authorities have sought help from their Nepalese counterpart to trace the missing kids. One such meeting was held between the officials of Bahraich and Banke district of Nepal recently.

The Maoists have turned their ire against India after the arrest of two senior Maoist leaders, Matrika Prasad Yadav and Suresh Ale Magar from Lucknow recently. Both the top Maoists rebels were arrested by Indian authorities and were handed over to Nepal.

Abducted children from the Indian side are taken to Ropla, a southern district of Nepal where they are given arms training.

A 14-year-old girl, who had managed to escape from the Maoist clutches told the Indian authorities how they were given arms training under torch light at night.

Similarly a 16-year-old boy from Bahraich reported how he was forced to assist with carrying the wounded Maoist combatants to Lucknow where they were treated in a private nursing home.

A leading child rights non-government organisation, Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Sector (CWIN) said that around 950 children were abducted in last few months. Though most abducted students are allowed to return after a couple of weeks, the ideological and military training given to them leaves the children traumatised. "There is credible evidence that children were used as soldiers, messengers, cooks, porters and suppliers by rebel groups," said the executive director of International Institute for Human Rights, Environment and Development, Gopal Krishna Shiwakoti.

He said that the children, most of whom were released after receiving political indoctrination, had been trained in "guerrilla warfare." Child recruits were reportedly used in some cases as fighters and human shields, as well as messengers and porters, he said.

Raju Sarkar of Amnesty International said: "Though the exact number or percentage of child soldiers is not known, it is a fact that they are being used."

Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 815

You always seem to blame somebody else for the plight of Bihar. You are not ready to accept that there are problems in Bihar, which is a first step for its betterment. Then, you hold some government, some community or some politician for butchering the socio-economic platform of Bihar. Why?

May be its time for introspection.

At the same time you were suggesting us to give a thought to the trash by Asoors.

Whatever is the situation in Bihar, it is ours. It is our Product, our Past, our Present and our Future. We will live with it. No external group or community needs to give us a lecture.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 817
India fails to shine in the darkness of Bihar

It is time for the central government leadership and other Indian elites to realize that depriving Bihar of money does not bring good name to rest of India. Bihar is too big to be ignored. They better provide funds to Bihar for the sake of India, if not Bihar.

Posted By: Shotgun

Posted On: Mar 12, 2004
Views: 815
India fails to shine in the darkness of Bihar

For Those who did not read in Indian Express

Buddha gained enlightenment here more than 2,500 years ago in the shade of a sprawling Banyan tree. But the rich, Ganges-fed plains of Bihar are now notorious as India's "wild west"; a byword for despair.

Bihar and its almost 85 million people -- roughly the population of Germany -- embody the problems that face the world's largest democracy and threaten its emergence as an economic superpower to rival China.

In India's poorest and most chaotic state, murder and kidnapping are the fastest-growing, indeed almost the only, industries, caste wars are more certain than jobs, corruption is rife, rebels wreak terror and infrastructure is non-existent.

"The state has already withered away here -- this is not a functioning state," says Shaibal Gupta, a social economist at Bihar's Asian Development Research Institute.

"You go by any indicator and we are the worst in India."

With strong growth, low interest rates and bumper crops, the BJP has called early polls for April-May, putting its hardline Hindu policies on hold for now to focus its campaign on the feel-good factor of "India Shining" -- its slogan for the economic good times.

But there is no Hindi translation for either phrase. And in this politically important Hindi heartland state, it shows.

"India Shining? We've heard of it, but it's not happening here," says 25-year-old Nagendra Kumar, a jobless graduate living by occasional farm labouring for $1 a day in Nonahi-Nagwan, an isolated mud-and-straw village.

"People here are surviving only by the grace of god."


As the rest of India enjoys the fruits of free market reforms begun in the 1990s -- strong growth, a jobs explosion in the IT sector, growing foreign investment and gleaming shopping malls -- Bihar has just fallen further and further behind.

"In the past few years, nothing has happened. There is no hope for the future," says Balwanti Devi, a widow living hand-to-mouth working in the fields for 3 kg of rice a day.

Big city consumers are splurging on credit for new homes, designer labels and cars but graft blocks the benefits of the best interest rates in 30 years filtering through to Biharis.

"When we go to the bank for a loan, the first thing they do is ask for a 20 percent cut -- so what does it matter what the interest rate is?" complains Satish Sharma, a 30-year-old farm landlord in the prosperous upper caste village of Bhimpura.

Despite a surplus of farm produce, its feudal land system and the lack of industry and jobs keep 60 percent of Biharis in poverty. The average real income here is 3,650 rupees a year, compared with 11,625 rupees nationally.

At night, large tracts of the capital Patna are powerless and pitch black. Roadside fruit sellers trade by the light of a candle. In villages, barely accessible by crumbling or non-existent roads, there is power only two or three hours a day.
Bihar has no industry, except for an ordnance plant -- India's defence minister is from Bihar and the only real jobs are with the state government or as seasonal farm labour, forcing millions to leave in search for work, often leading to social tension and violence over jobs in other states.
Bihar once had some mineral wealth, but that disappeared when a large section was sliced off in 2000 to form the new state of Jharkand in response to demands from tribal groups.
Bihar is a state so poor and helpless, says Gupta, it doesn't even have enough money or resources to use promised, but never fully delivered, development aid from the central government.
Bihar's de facto premier, Laloo Prasad Yadav, who installed his wife as chief minister after being jailed over a $30 million graft case, says the upper caste BJP government has a sinister plan to destroy his state because he is low caste and secular.
"They have targetted Bihar from the beginning," says Laloo, a member of the Yadav caste of cowherds and who boasts of being semi-literate. He is on bail while his case is heard.
"People oppose me because of the caste system. They do not want me here -- but I have been here 13 years."
Official data and independent studies show New Delhi has woefully underfunded Bihar -- by almost $1 billion even compared with its own pledges in the three fiscal years to 2002/03.
Critics also accuse Laloo and his colleagues, called the "cockney elite" because of their poor education and their dialect, of years of corrupt mismanagement.
And in addition to its poverty, Bihar is racked by caste wars that have killed 1,000 in central Bihar in the past 30 years, one of India's worst violent crime rates and a simmering revolt by leftist rebels.

But it's not all bad news.
Buddha's tree of enlightenment in Bodhgaya, about 100 km from Patna is the holiest pilgrimage in the world for Buddhists, drawing thousands of cashed-up tourists every year.
And a successful milk cooperative scheme has put millions of dollars into the pockets of farmers, including landless Dalits.
With growth forecast above eight percent in the year to March, Finance Minister Jaswant Singh boasts Asia's third largest economy will soon catch and pass China as an economic power.
But economists warn "India Shining" is unsustainable unless the problems of Bihar and other large, cripplingly poor and undeveloped states are resolved.
"India cannot progress without Bihar's advancement. It is much too big to be left behind," wrote Mohan Guruswamy and Abhishek Kaul, of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, in a study last month. "India cannot go forward leaving Bihar behind."

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 848
Southerner guests

Let's not dismissed these folks from south of Vindyas without giving a thought. Their Periyar and Dravida movement did inspire our social justice movement initiated by Ram Manohar Lohia.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 844
To Akshay

Let's not carried away and use unparliamentary language. It doesn't help. You can make your point better and more convincing while maintaining decency.

Posted By: Akshay

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 842

Asur acts as if he or she comes from a place much better than Bihar, when infact the opposite is true, Bihar is much better than the black holes of Tamil Nadu. THE FACT IS THAT TAMILS HAVE AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX. They resent Hindi being the National Language in India. Tamils are also Jahils...which all of my Bihari friends will understand. While its true that Bihar has problems, I would still rather live in Bihar than the black hole of Tamil Nadu, uncultured jahils of the south, where illiteracy prevails along most of that state. Jayalalitha(that saanr and bheins) may be actually more corrupt than Lalua. The morons in Tamil Nadu keep switching between the fat and ugly Jayalalitha and that nautanky acting as if hes blind, karunanidhi. Hindi is the National Language of India, so get over it. Still don't get it.....


Posted By: Kumar

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 819

Amma dekh, Ha dekh, Tera Munda (Asur) bigada Jaye.
Asur Your Amma is coming. Run fast.

Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 837

It has been 33rd time that you have asked answer that. But, you have never asked any questions. Does not that prove that you are a "pot without bottom".

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 11, 2004
Views: 853
To Asur

Biharis are proud of their heritage. They have given so much to the world, your land can think of only in dream. Bihar is just going through some political crisis and they are capable of making right descisions and again they will come out of this crisis and will make a Great Bihar.
Do not talk too much nonsense.

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