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Posted By: Asur Posted On: Mar 13, 2004 Views: 840 | That's why Fraud Bihari American sir, don't go behind my personal things, it is not for good health of this forum, if i tell you that, you will be realy sweating. What i have told about Jayalalitha and Karunanidhi earlier i will repeat again, the bitch and the dog; in the same breath i say your leaders have been only blood suckers of mosquitoes! But you talk un-necessarily because as a bihari you are habituated of talking without information. I know better Hindi than any one of you, i chalange; go and see your people closely, you will know what a JAHIL means, and you must not forget that you are known by your society and individuality at different occaisions but in equally important positions. To fill your abdomen, 'you' should be strong, to be happy your community, society should be strong. Few Biharis might be prosperopus, but BIHARI means, something which even BIHARIS don't like to be called. At least 40 biharis are eating public money sitting in NEW DELHI, can they save a single innocent BIHARI being tortured ? Why ? Because they them selves are ashamed of calling themselves as a BIHARI. SAMAJHE BUDDHUON |
Posted By: Akshay Posted On: Mar 13, 2004 Views: 838 | Tamils are a bunch of Jahils Asur must be off his rocker if he thinks that fat Jayalalitha is a leader of substance. She is a fat pig who takes advantage of a state full of illiterates. Don't forget how she stole huge somes of money from the state to pay for her children's wedding. You have got to be kidding to call that fat saanr a leader of substance, Asur must have been smoking something when he wrote that comment.. |
Posted By: Aman Posted On: Mar 13, 2004 Views: 835 | ASUR, YOUR'E A COWARD Asur, why don't tell everyone what state you come from in India, instead of hiding out and attacking Biharis? Why are you so jealous of Biharis anyway? I'll tell you why. Because despite Bihar's problems, Biharis are a proud bunch who compete in IAS/IPS/IFS services not to mention UPSC, become doctors, engineers, and so on, and so on, etc.etc... And of course, there are lots of Biharis in New York, as well as all over the US and around the rest of the world, and most of the ones I know are professionals, unlike you. So stop your begging, and get over it, and divulge which state you come from you coward. |
Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 828 | Asur If you call Jayalalitha and Karunanidhi leaders of substance, then we are much more than happy not to have any such leader of substance in Bihar. |
Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 822 | Asura Let me ask you a questions more relevant to you: Please tell me the name of your great great father correctly, and I will answer your question. Make sure you do not make any damn person your "great great grand father". |
Posted By: Asura Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 818 | to all i don't know whether Rajesh takes pride out of the article INDIA FAILS......, but all of you should go through it to understand why a BIHARI is a BIHAREEEE... out side bihar. you go through the facts given in the article and you understand why and how much you have to struggle to keep your head high. One interesting thing - why all die-hard MANDAL supporters, mandal based politicians are only from Bihar? Another thing, is not it the reason of failure of mandalisation of the national politics? Why do you think Sharad Yadav fights from BIHAR? B'cause you are great, no ; because you are fools. You voted him once b'cause he was with Lolloo, and other time b'cause he was with BJP, and kept the snake alive when it was apt time to finish him forever! |
Posted By: Asura Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 817 | to all The question which i have asked, i had heard the reply by the then governor of Tripura who was a Bihari, so don't think that i have made the question. i don't intend to trouble you, i want you people to use this sight upto maximum advantage. |
Posted By: Asur Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 818 | To biharis in newyork and anywhereelse it shows your intact inefficiency as a bihari that you counted how many times i have asked to reply but could not follow the question; some thing non resident biharis are not known for but your bihari characters are intact. for your convenience and due to my interest in the topic, i had asked who had changed the capital of MAGADH from RAJAGIRA to PATALIPUTRA ? Who was the Buddhist to tell that the city will have the danger of FLOOD, FIRE, and FIGHT ? Again, (to all the biharis who matter for bihar, not to every ant and cockroaches)go through this sight and find if it displays any of the reasons to be proud for you ? if i am true, do what i say; if you prove me wrong, i will leave you people to fight among your self. For last 40yrs, you could not produce a leader of substance for your self; if still you are proud of yourself, you are a bug for 'B' of Bihar. |
Posted By: A Bihari Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 817 | To all non sen.......... We love bihar, we love our leader Shri laloo parshad very much and never felt any law & order problem at least in his rigim like Gujrat and other places. so don't talk rubbish, be happy and support laloo ji and his party. jai bihar |
Posted By: Akshay Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 822 | Good luck to Sachin and Saurav and the boys India's historic tour of Pak is due to begin in less than 1 and 1/2 hrs... Good luck to the boys starting with their first one-dayer in Karachi. GOOD LUCK!!!! |
Posted By: Akshay Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 824 | Congress much worse than BJP It's funny how Congress supporters label the BJP as being communal, and by doing so, they think Congress MP's have the right to be corrupt. Let's get our facts straight..When the Babri Masjid came down, P.V. Narasimha Rao was the P.M., and he could have easily stopped the Masjid coming down, instead, PM Rao did nothing. Secondly, remember Congress M.P. Sukh Ram, whose house was raided by the CBI who found petis full of cash in his houses in Mandi and Delhi. Then there is the issue of Vajpayeeji vs. Sonia Gandhi. To even compare them is ridiculous. Sonia Gandhi can't even speak English correctly, let alone Hindi, while Vajpayeeji has been a distinguished diplomat for many years, including having been foreign minister. For these, and many many other reasons, people in India are realizing the BJP is the best and only option if the country is to continue to develop its economy. HAMARA NETHA CHAHE KYON, KAISA BHI HO, HO THO ATAL JAISA HO...... JAI BJP, JAI BIHAR, JAI BHARAT, JAI VAJYAPYEEJI |
Posted By: BihariNumberTwoInNewYork Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 828 | Rajesh Let us talk about this decade and last decade. What was there 20 yrs ago, I do not know. I do not care. Let us talk about today. |
Posted By: B.K. Singh Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 827 | To Naxalite Sympathizers "Police is repressive, upper cast is oppressive, the government is partial, the Pioneer news is a concerted media effort to malign Naxals, Naxalites extortions are on higher moral grounds, Jagannath Mishra was a corrupt person so it's okay for Laloo and his men to be corrupt, capitalism and communism are terms borrowed from west and on and on." The above are your statements. Do you know how ridiculuous they sound when you hear them, not to mention the fact that they are largely false and perpetuated by your comrades in arms? Do you expect the police to sit tight when Naxals blow up their outposts and kill them in landmines and steal their arms and not react? Yes or No. Do you expect criminals to burn down the houses of a landowners and abduct and kill their family members without any reaction from them? Yes or No. Do you expect the government to tolerate all these violence and still declare the Naxalites a legitimate organization? Yes or No. Do two wrongs make one right as in the case of Jagannath Mishra and Laloo Yadav? Yes or No. Do you believe the entire media is after the Naxals because they have nothing better to write? Yes or No. Answer these questions and don't play with words. That trick is as old as the Naxalite terrorism itself. Now here are terms and phrases coined by Leftists/Naxalites/Communists/Maoists that you so blindly and irrationally support: Fascist/fascism (a term so dear to you and your Naxal friends that you couldn't finish one complete sentence without it), Repression, Social Movement, Struggle (your synonym for violence/rape/murder/abduction/extortion etc). Just as you claim that "capitalism and communism" are terms created by the western society, one can claim that all the above "Naxal jargons", were created by criminals and terrorists for their own selfish interest so poor can remain poor, ignorant can remain ignorant, and the Naxal leaders can remain their leaders for ever, rob people in the name of justice, kill policemen and steal their arms that is the property of Government of India, and still had the audacity to call it a "movement" and a "struggle". This kind of logic is years of brainwashing in action. Finally, since you are a self-confessed Naxal sympathizer (or could it be you are a full-fledged, card-carrying member of the terrorist outfit?) and claim to know so much about them, could you please enlighten me as to why you and your men are always targeting railway properties whenever they feel like? Is this your private property? What do you have against the Indian Railways? Blowing up cabins, blowing up tracks - what's with that? What do you expect to gain from that besides more notoriety as if you are not notorious enough? How does that make you different from Al Qaeda which will also do anything for cheap notoriety? On one hand, if Nitish Kumar doesn't create a new railway halt at some remote village, people revolt and pledge not to vote for him in the next election. On the other hand, whatever and wherever railway development has taken place, you and your men are determined to blow them up. That doesn't make any sense. Maybe it does make sense to you but for most "ignorant" people like myself, it doesn't. Would you be kind enough to shed some light on this logic? |
Posted By: Akshay Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 809 | Don't keep harping on the past to hide present Rajesh, why do you keep mentioning Jagannath Misra? Misra has not been CM in a long, long time. No is saying that Misra was not corrupt, but there is no comparison to the situation back then, and now, under RJD, where it is not safe to go outside after dark, and in many places, not safe even during the day. RJD are a bunch of criminals running a club who will be ousted very soon. Misra was very corrupt, but Misra has not been CM of Bihar for many years now, so let stick to the present, and not past. |
Posted By: Rajesh Posted On: Mar 12, 2004 Views: 822 | Who is to blame for Bihar's problem I think we need to give more thought and do more research on non-utilization of central fund by Bihar. Why shouldn't politicians and beareucrats spend money if part of it can end up in their pockets? I can understand they are ineffective and lazy but not so much to loose opportunity to steal. Jagannath Mishra government was not less ineffective but nobody complaint about non-utilization of funds. |
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