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Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 855
No Comments?

No comments from the union guy..Must be on his union lunch hour getting fat.

Posted By: Union Guy

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 857
Francis the bi-polar freak

**"You can't have f-ucking jerks like yourself pushing a button for $40 an hour PERIOD. But the least they should have is job security. Does that sound like both ways?"

Uh .... yes ?

Oh, and where are people getting 40/hr to press a button ? Don't confuse yourself even more with actual facts ... your ramblings are much more fun !

Posted By: Union Guy

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 758
Frank the Retar ... realist aka "Poor man's Jim Z"

Truth be told, you really have no opinion either way. Way to stick to your convictions, you waffling jack@ss ! You'r opinion changes with the wind direction. At least randie has the same opinion every post ! You are a joke.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 762
To Answer

Are unions BAD or GOOD ? Are unionized public employees the reason for high taxes or not ? Are the over-paid or not ? You are a walking contradiction. Are you bi-polar by any chance ?

Both. Not totally. Some are some are not. Yes I'm bipolar.

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 755
Reality Check

Union Dope---Not everything is cut and dry you stupid f-ucking kunt. There has to be a happy medium. You can't have f-ucking jerks like yourself pushing a button for $40 an hour PERIOD. But the least they should have is job security. Does that sound like both ways? Are you really that f-ucking stupid or are you just pretending? Union union union. You already have all the answers so don't worry about what I think; typical unionite. Your a f-cuking follower, a pretender.

Posted By: Union Guy

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 749
Confused Frank

**" I'm all for unions--not the greed of the unions and their members. We all need protection but enough is enough already. But more than likely Keane will win and all the unions will get their raise(which they deserve) but the unfortunate part is that all taxes will rise"

**" Payroll is not why the county is a disaster. Medicare and freeloaders are the real problem--and NY city.

**" I would vote for him just to stare at his wife and masturbate all day---oh I forgot I don't have a union job.

Which way is it Francis ? Are unions BAD or GOOD ? Are unionized public employees the reason for high taxes or not ? Are the over-paid or not ? You are a walking contradiction. Are you bi-polar by any chance ?

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 743
Union Retard

Sorry I don't waste my time looking for my typos. But I can say that I can have it both ways. Your argument makes no sense, its like arguing with a union moron (oh you are, i forgot!) I'm sure Keane will get more than just union votes you f-ucking dope tough guy. You don't think union support helps a candidate? I'm going to guess and say that you agree with me that it does. The question I asked was (for the 5th time you dumb c-ocksucker) will the union vote (unions, members, family, etc) help pull Keane through. Is it that ****ing hard to understand you kunt?

Posted By: Union Guy

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 747
randie .... WHAT ?

**Take a college-level Criminoligy class (or any other for that matter), no one is breaking the law until they get caught**

Did you really just say that ? That is the most retarded thing that has ever come out of your blue hippo computer.

There are laws in place.
When you do something contrary to the law, you are hence "breaking the law".
Getting caught has nothing to do with it.

Posted By: Linda

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 737
county exectutive election

I think our Western New Yorks Kevin O'Connell
Should Run for the position. I don't know anyone who LOVES THIS CITY & COUNTY more than he
does. He shows us that everyday with his inspiration. and involvement in so many community events. Your Great Kevin !!!!

Linda. West Seneca

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 728
One who knows...

Collins is defiantely a pompous asshole. Very cocky but maybe he just knows his business. I still think he's a better choice than keane. I also have no problem with him filling jobs with people he knows--thats the business. Payroll is not why the county is a disaster. Medicare and freeloaders are the real problem--and NY city.

Posted By: Union Guy

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 721

Please - your "Jim Z" impression is getting old, tough guy ! Your last post, cleverly titled "Union Scum" is the most contradictory POS post I've ever read ! You can't have it both ways, numbnuts ! How would the unions help "carry Keane through" without their vote ? On their backs ? You are truly an idiot ... an idiot with the spelling skills of a second grader !

Posted By: Frank the Realist

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 715
RE: one who knows

I got Dennis Kucinich---dyanmite---I want to
f-uck his hot redhead wife with the tongue piercing! I want the fire bush---She is smokin'! Unfortunately he has no chance--I would vote for him just to stare at his wife and masturbate all day---oh I forgot I don't have a union job.

Posted By: One Who Knows

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 704
If Collins is doing so well...

Why the intrest in Joel Giambra's old job. Power,work & bennies for "His" friends & Family? Does he think so highly of himself he thinks he can bale out a sinking ship with a thimble? They are both Irish, don't worry about who'll drink the water. You do the math.

Posted By: A Thought

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 693
For the Day

The Patriot Act an Act for
Making Citizens into
Suspects and Informers

Posted By: Randy in Buffalo

Posted On: Oct 3, 2007
Views: 681

Take a college-level Criminoligy class (or any other for that matter), no one is breaking the law until they get caught. How would I get caught, someone sees that new lap top might think it was a present.

Like another blogger said, you really are a genius! Join Leo, Union Boy and Union and Too Stupid in their think tank and your collective IQ should surpass that of a 5 year old! Maybe! (LOL)

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