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Posted By: Dr.Vijaya Anand Posted On: Mar 9, 2004 Views: 723 | SUDHARO SUDHARO BAI, KYA HAI, THUM LOG SALA JAAT PAAT KARATA HAI. BIHARI MATALAB BHIKHARI. All BHIKHARIS are same, no caste. Lallo is fooling you. He will give you people halwa (disappears in mouth Tamilnadu halwa not like your halwa bloody heavy one). All his kids are becoming Doctors, why don't he make them politicians? He is making them, they are not becoming. All of you better work for yourself instead of protecting Lalloo. ANd Nitish, how long he will protect Bihari students? Next time other Rail minister, no Bihari will be allowed to become railminister till memory of Nitish lasts, like one fellow named some Mishra shot at Manish's native place. Oh god it is long. Sorry. |
Posted By: Dr.Rengachary Posted On: Mar 9, 2004 Views: 727 | Get a visionary No one from Bihar has any vision of development. you people should produce a visionary leader. sorry, we can't part with our leaders. Cast politics is to fool you. Karunanidhi is a Sc, day by day he is becoming Brahmin. We can tell you 100s of stories when your Ramvilas has betrayed Scs from south. Then what is there in a cast? Come out fast. And your MPs, all incompetent MORONS. |
Posted By: Dr.M.R.Parthasarathy Posted On: Mar 9, 2004 Views: 725 | hi Hi, we (our fore fathers) had migrated to Tamilnadu 900 yrs ago as silk merchants/ technicians, now considered backwards politicaly in Tamilnadu (necessary to introduce otherwise you will mistake me). Society grows as a whole. It can't be America for me and Africa for you. If it is so ther will be un- rest. We are not going to come back, bloody you take care. |
Posted By: Dr.V.Senthil kumar Posted On: Mar 9, 2004 Views: 725 | hi Biharis We are drunk today to cheer up manish. You should understand the basic of personal development first. This world is individualistic. Be strong by yourself, world will change for you. World is different for individuals, don't you know that! No group, no cast, no religion, no nation, no state, bloody all is to fool the middle class b'cause we are the ones who go by them! More i right and you will have indigestion. bye- bye. |
Posted By: Pravin Sinha Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 808 | To A. K. Verma Keep Cool. I feel sorry for my each and every bad wordings/sentences. Three cheers for BIHAR, HIP HIP HURRAY. |
Posted By: Pravin Sinha Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 809 | To Doctor Manish Kumar Please continue with your invaluable postings. I have a personal attachement with you, as you are also a Magahi speaking person. My another request to you is please put some more magahi sentence in your postings. I really feel attached to Bihar when I read your postings. Please go ahead. |
Posted By: Amit Ranjan Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 843 | To Misses Anita Vatsayan Misses Anita Vatsayan: Thanks for your comments. It seems your husband, Dr. Manish is a very emotional person. My purpose was not to discourage him from writing his views but to write in a very precise manner so that he may be able to convey his message. I wish you all "Nothing but the Best and hope he will be able to save lots of life". Keep him in good humor. He needs to lighten up and do not take people's comments so seriously. Thanks. |
Posted By: Amit Ranjan Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 770 | To Dr. Manish Kumar Dr. Manish Kumar and Anita Vatsayan Dr. Manish Kumar: It seems you are really a very emotional guy. My comments were not to discourage you from writing your views but my purpose was to request you to write precisely and not carried by emotions. May be I did not use the right words. If my comments were offensive, I sincerely apologize to you. Pl contribute to Bihar and Bihari cause anyway you can. Thanks. |
Posted By: A casteless Bihari Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 772 | Equality a la USSR or Western Europe ManishJi and Rajeshji, If I understand correctly, both of you are trying to glorify the current situation of Bihar as a some kind of gr8 social movement for development. If u guys prefer equality of USSR brand, I can only wish that majority of Bihari will disagree with you. Historically, USSR and Western Europe took two different routes to achieve equality. USSR wanted some utopian equal society and a bunch of thugs like Stalin manage to achieve such short lived equality. Actually, the equality achieved by Stalin was quite cruel one, where everyone was hopelessly poor. Europe took a different route, where the social institutions slowly started to become more and more humane and we know how good is the standerd of life in Europe for common folks. To my mind, we in BIMARU states have taken the path of USSR and it is quite visible that we have outwitted even monster like Stalin and probably we are now trying to compete with Robert Mugabe. On other hand, South India is trying to mimic Europe slowly. It is quite clear that with this rate, in 5-10 year BIMARU states would be so poor compared to south India that we should better start thinking of applying for visa to B'lore and H'bad etc. |
Posted By: Rajesh Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 768 | Thanks Dr Manish Kumar You have been single most valuable contributor in this forum. Your views had been novel and unique and that is the reason for getting hostile comments. I am sure your participation broadened many people's vision, it sure did mine. |
Posted By: Dr.MRP Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 783 | sorry for disturbance Manish is very imotional and probably he will never visit this site but he loves Biharis upto his core. You people first come out of the cocoon of castes. |
Posted By: Dr.M.R.Parthasarathy Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 776 | Be humble Hey , being an outsider i don't want to comment. I don't know what up to you people are. Manish is a humble and tolerant humanbeing. You are not able to understand him b'cause you don't have the orietation. Diagnosing a disease is not a joke. |
Posted By: Misses Anita Vatsayan Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 769 | Thanks Amit jee I am wife of Dr.Manish. I was advicing him for a long time, but you have done it for me. Nothing is going to come out of this discussion. He is a budding Neurosurgeon working at one of the most prestigious hospital in this country. He needs to read more and more. Thanks again. |
Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 757 | yes sir Yes Mr.Amit, i know how to treat different people, but i am not needed in yhis forum as well as in Bihar. |
Posted By: Rajesh Posted On: Mar 8, 2004 Views: 732 | Why Laloo wins This is the reason why Laloo Yadav keeps winning.. -------------- The jailed leader of a private militia of landowners plans to take on Bihar's ruling Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) in a key constituency in the upcoming parliamentary elections. He has previously said his sena was keen on joining the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). ---------------- So called development is non-issue here. Feudalism and private militia overshadow everything. BJP tries to get political support from them. They are fool. It is like fighting fire by pouring fuel. |
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