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Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Mar 4, 2004
Views: 744
To A. K. Verma

Good to see you back again. You had also said "buy!!(bye)" to the group long ago. But any way, kutta ka poonchh kabhi sidhaa nahin hota hai.

VermaJi first of all this is a Bihari forum not Kurmi, Yadav or else forum. So it doesn't make any sense discussing about a particular caste here. If you read my postings never did I point to a particular caste. And if I do so then what will be the difference between me and people like you or SNP Sinha.

When you have talked about "Independent criticism", before going ahead I must remind the forum that you was person who had addressed the forum as


But it was generesity of the forum people that no one replied in a nonsense way as you did. No one pointed finger to a caste or a group of caste making it as a matter of revenge. Reason is very clear, here every one understand that who is forward and who is backward. Just claiming from our own mouth that I am a forward doesn't make any sense. Actually it reveals the "BECHAINI" you have inside you. Actually you are suffocating because of the ground reality and so your inferiority.

As far as critisicm is concerned, I am not a critic. But yes I have praised who have really done good for Bihar. I have praised DPOjha, I have praised A.N.Pandey for his postings which shows real image of Bihar today. I have praised Dr. Manish Kumar for his comment on being a Bhumihar.

But its matter of shame that you can just see every thing from a castist glass which filters each and every one as a forward or backward.

VermaJi you are a BLIND and I had well commented on you that its better for you to wear a Sari and some colorful Bangles and sit inside your house, thats what a caste you belong to.

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 4, 2004
Views: 727
To Rajesh and Pravin

Long time ago, I was playing outside and got involved in some kind of arguements with street boys.
My Grandmother told me that "Chotte ke Muh Nahi Lagate and "Do not play with dirt or dirty people, you will get effected". Somehow, I forgot her good saying. I thought, the world has changed but not. As it was true then and so is true now.
Dirts are always dirt, no matter what happens and how far world may change.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 4, 2004
Views: 731
Caste loyalties

AK Verma, SNP Sinha,
Defending and supporting one's caste is not unusual or even bad. But problem comes when you react adversely (I say tantrum) when somebody makes adverse comment disrupting the caste dynamics you have in mind. I suggest that you should take criticism of your caste group or political affiliation boldly, just as you attack other castes and affiliations.

Posted By: A. K. Verma

Posted On: Mar 4, 2004
Views: 716
Pravin Sinha

It seems that you got badly damaged by the comment of SNP Sinha. You are supporter of Nitish Kumar not just because you are a man of principle but just because "You are Awadhia Kurmi and he is Awadhis Kurmi" and so do not talk non-sense.

In dictionary, there is term "Independent critic", who does support or criticise based on the merit and not based on lineage of his caste and that can be reason for Mr. Sinha to support or criticise whomever he thinks appropriate.

You are close to Yadavas, go and shake hand with your peer Rajesh and together you guys can make a Great team.

Just shut up.

Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Mar 4, 2004
Views: 700
To SNP Sinha

Yes I am an admirer of Mr. Nitish Kumar and I shall be. One thing you must have seen here that all most all the people are certain about their motives. Someone may be an admirer of Laloo Prasad but he has always given his logic/reason behind his support to him (Laloo Prasad). I think you are one of those who has no logic in life and just roam arround to crib people.

Actually you are a "BIN PENDI KA LOTA".

Some time Vajpeyee, some time Advani, Some time Ranbir Sena, Some time....., Some time "OUT OF THE FORUM", Some time...., Some time "BACK TO THE FORUM", Some time....

Posted By: Amit Ranjan

Posted On: Mar 3, 2004
Views: 735
To Rajesh


Your behavior is behavior of a typical communist ideolog and jealot who has nothing to do but waste his own time and others and champions the cause of criminals in the name of poverty and social justice.

The society can never be equal. This is a fact and reality as all people do not have the same capability and put efforts exactly the same and that results in different productivity and will determine the growth and development of the person and the society. The communist's approaches have already failed and discarded by the people who embraced communism.

So, change yourself otherwise you will find yourself standing alone (may be some kins and clans of Laloo will be with you).

There is and there will always be difft. ways of respecting based on people's standing in the society. Laloo does not deserve that respect. So God shake do not compare him with Vajpeyee ji, who has lived all his life on certain principles and values.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 3, 2004
Views: 759
Treating elders with respect

SNP Sinha,
You mentioned that Vajpayee and Advani deserve respect due to their old age. It is our culture and you get furious when somebody call them names in disrespectful manner.
If you stick your logic (and culture) then you should respect Laloo Yadav as well as an elder and not use abusive language for him. If not then you should put a condition that elders should be respected if they belong to correct lineage.

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 3, 2004
Views: 754
To Pravin Sinha

Hey Mr. Sinha,

To answer your statement:

"To your point that Mr. Singh is not a Hindu because he wrote some about Vajpayee and Advani. Just to make it clear that Vajpayee and Advani are not GODS and if you feel that he is for you then please keep it in your mind only. It doesn't make any sense out here when you write these kinds of sentenses."

I do not treat Mr. Vajpeyee or Mr. Advani as God but I do respect them for being older and in our culture we respect people just because of his/her age. If I had treated them as God, I had not written them as Mr. Vajpeyee or Mr. Advani.

If I remember correctly, it is you who treats Mr. Nitish Kumar as God or whatever because you can just take any thing what he says or does.

From your comments, I can definitely say that your comments are not neutral rather castist as you belong to "Kurmi caste from Nalanda" and you accept all what Nitish Kumar does or say.

So, keep your advice to yourself and do not pretend that you are a neutral person.

Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 766
To SNP Sinha

If I remember well you had left the forum claming that there was no decency left in forum. But any way when you have made a come back, we all welcome you again.

To your point that Mr. Singh is not a Hindu because he wrote some about Vajpayee and Advani. Just to make it clear that Vajpayee and Advani are not GODS and if you feel that he is for you then please keep it in your mind only. It doesn't make any sense out here when you write these kinds of sentenses.

As far as Mr. ShriKrishnaSingh (first CM of Bihar) is concerned, there was also a rumour that a well known Congress leader from Bihar Shri GuruSahayLal(belonged to Nalanda and today there is a place in Patna in his name) was a strong contestent for the post of CM and he was then murdered. And when KrishnaSingh became CM its not hidden that what he did for his caste people and what he did for others.

I have praised DPOjha because he has really showed his guts which no one could dare to show till now. But it would have been better if he had contested from SIWAN rather than Begusarai so no one could have pointer fingers towards his braveness.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 744

I agree with BihariNumberOneInNewYork that his choice of Bhumihar dominated Begulsarai for nomination exposes his casteist core. He does not have the guts to face people other than his own clan. He should be grateful to magnanimous Laloo Yadav for making him the DGP of Bihar. Shri Krishna Singh, first chief minister of Bihar who happened to be Bhumihar, did not put many non Bhumihars in places of responsibility, people from low castes were out of question.

Posted By: Soni Singh

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 758

What are those of you who speak negatively of the former DGP OJHA trying to say; that he was wrong for putting Shahabudin behind bars? That he was wrong for exposing the RJD-Shahabudin criminal nexus. That he was wrong for exposing the Shahabudin-ISI links. If you are, then what a bunch of genuises you are. DGP Ojha is one of the few police officers who had the guts to stand up to criminals like Laloo and Shahabudin. He has much more of a right to run for, and win as M.P.,then all the criminals who are MP's in the RJD govt.

Instead of talking out of your behinds, please talk substance and leave the rubbish out.

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 718
To Singh

Hey Bihari,

After reading your last comment, I have realised that you are not even Singh (Hindu). You are a hrad core Muslim who is disguised under Singh title. Your Hatred against Vajpeyee and Advani speaks the volume.
You are just a coward, nothing else.

Posted By: S N P Sinha

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 716
To Singh

Hey Singh (Bihari),

From your statement, it seems you are Singh, whose blood is mixed and has origin from illicit relationship of Rajput and ???.
People like you had made Bihar what it is today, a land of criminals and abductors. You guys have brought shame to the people of Bihar.
The Talibans are also worriors and look what they have done to their people, specially women and children.
Enjoy the company of Laloo and destroy Bihar.

Posted By: Singh

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 710

Bush has visited EVERY country EXCEPT INDIA! That's how much respect India has gotten under BJP!

To think that the world thinks India is great under BJP is so stupid. Most of the development and liberalization was done under Congress -- Narsimha Rao in particular, and BJP is taking credit.

Thanks to the mass murder in Gujurat ( I believe now tallies show more Hindus got killed than Gujarati muslims thanks to bombs in bombay -- so much for Gujju brigade hindu RSS saviors!)

Make no mistake, wimp outfits like RSS, VHP and BJP cartoonist Bal Thakeray (who also has gotten more Hindus killed in Bombay than muslims) are funded mostly by Gujuratis who never had a warrior tradition and it seems never will.

Now wimps like Sinha wishes for Biharis to join the wimp brigade. IT IS BETTER TO BE A GOONDA THAN A GUJJU!

They are an insult to all Hindus, REAL SINGH's in particular! Sorry Sinha!

Posted By: Singh

Posted On: Mar 2, 2004
Views: 700
to Sinha

Mr. Sinha are you really a Sinha or was it made up since you couldn't figure out who your father was? I would be proud to call myself a Bihari and yes that makes me a real Singh not a coward like you who lies to people he is from UP and embarrasses UPians.

When your hero is an old langda like Vajpayee and baldy Advani (who have disgraced Rama and Laxman) who run away from a fight because they fear Pakistanis will declare war, you aren't even human -- subhuman is more like it -- stupid should be your last name.

And obviously you could not offer one intelligent response for the 50 years of neglect of Bihar -- so that means you're stupid and subhuman.


We do not need Bihar drohis like you. Gujurat would suit more your cowardly bania nature...go play dandia, lathis are for Bihari men to wield.

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