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Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 657
The Villagers

Ambedkar had called villages place of ignorance and injustice. The basis of his observation was caste discrimination, which exists even now, but I think it goes beyond that. In my view it is also a case of cultural difference. I see this difference between towns and cities as well.

When I visited Gaya town last year, I was aghast and sad to see its pathetic condition. I have been to lot of dirty towns, but never saw sewer flowing over the road like in that town. People used to walk or ride over the flowing smelly sewer in order to commute. My main surprise was that people were fine with the situation and did not seem to bother them at all! So I came to conclusion that the difference is that of culture. If it does not bother them, then why should NGOs or government (state, centre) care?

Posted By: Nawin Kumar

Posted On: Feb 17, 2004
Views: 641
To Manish & Prabhat

Dear Mr. manish & Prabhat!
Thanks a lot for revealing such a bitter truth of villager’s mentality. I can understand very much as I am also from a small village of Nalanda. I had & having same experience there. And these type of mentality and behaviors of our people only strengthen my determination to come out of Bihar and Country. Even I still use to go there once in two years, but every time I am having one more bad experience. I don’t know why they do like that. So I can understand the feeling of Dr. Manish.
But what we can do? The only thing Bihar needs is to upgrade the intellectual level of its people. What a politician or a single leader can do if the person who is educated behaves like that.

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 16, 2004
Views: 675

It is shame. Why? I will disclose it after some more waiting.
Mr editor please don't put your final word. Wait for my final comment on the day of Holi.

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 698
learn from others

Yes Prabhat ji,
we should learn from Marwaris. My neighbour is from Rajsthan supplies chemicals in a huge area including the medical colleges and other acacemic institutions as well as small and middle and some big industries. He tells (they don't lie as frequently as Biharis), has some 50 acres of land in Rajsthan (whatever it grows) and has given it to his cousin and whenever goes there does something good. Ofcourse the people there are more receptive. As i have told earlier, not always and everyone anywhere in this world people will be good. In past probably good people have been frustrated so badly that no one dares to do good. But still a few are there. We will have to search the good people. We will have to help them discreminately so that others can learn and fal in line.

Posted By: prabhat

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 697
A salute for the truith

Maneesh ji,
I too belong from a village (not so well developed ) so i can understand all that you have said in your posting. Perhaps i have same feeling although i am sorry to say that i haven't helped them on many occasions.There are a lot of people who really never try to understand your good motif, just leave the praise! But even after that we should not deter ourself to do what we can.

One thing is obvious that we are fooling ourselves if we have any hope from the politician. I don't want to blame others for all the mishappenings in the past and also I am not a big person so i will do what i can for the others in some small manner. The agony of the situation is that the people to whome you want to serve consider you as his "DUSMAN". The most important area that i consider for the development is the education. I want to do a lot for the needy but one problem is that i am away from village.Just i can rely on the NGOs who are doing for those people.I pray to God that situation would change very soon.

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 626
special thing

Dear friends,
I will tell you the worst thing what had been done. It is not recent, long ago in 1977, with the first government of Mr.Karpoori thakur, the primary school was shifted. And this was just cheap to make some people feel good. The school was the same, with same number of teacher, (diminished now), surely it was better managed closer to our house. But it was shifted because it could make some people happy even at the cost of the quality of the education.

Posted By: Dr. Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 591
i am sorry

Prabhat ji,
i am not a big man, but i realy became imotional after posting the previous one. My village people can never read this but i am sorry for all the complaints against them.

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 577

Dear friends,
Prabhat ji is 100% correct. In my opinion (as i have mentioned earlier also) one's responsibility increases as he gets more and more from society. I don't exxpect anything good from a poor worker who has never seen light in his life. Yes we should do our part of the job. Like voluntary declaration of the income, taking out 'JAKAT' on own, we can fix our own responsibility. And, specialy in Bihar's and Bihari's context, it is very important to say that we should coperate with each other. I mentioned it because i have had, and still having very bad experiences at the hands of our beloved people. Most of the time they feel that they can cheat me, i don't know about the society their an dmost of the times they are jealous of our NAME (the good name we get). They say it politics! Even for a 'BHOJ' which we are organising in our village, they plan to spoil it. The primary school which we had started donating every thing from our side, was shifted to a place which is closer to a 'TOLA' of a particular caste. We are not bothered, no one of our family is going to read in that, but what pains me is the situation of the studies in that school due to the so caaled POLITICS! I say our state people should learn the difference between the politics and suicide. This is very small thing, I can tell you the real stories of the closure of a big paper mill of Bihar and you can see the pain and sufferings of the families of the employees. I say, all of the people of Bihar, at any level need one or other type of help at present, but they are jealous of the people who can do something for them, whether it is a Bhiari or a Gujarati.
I feel pain when i see educated people running for job here and there. They can't start a buiseness even with my help, they feel it inferior; they can't do a small job, they want to be only a BABU (and can't talk even five sentences properly on any topic in any language, know only how to abuse). Our president does not know the mentality of Biharis. I saw his photograph with our CM, probably she couldn't understand him and reply him so he felt they need to be educated, probably better in English. But he does not know that the basic and bigger problem lies in the mentality of our people.
You know, i am going to our native village, but coming back exactly on the day of Holi! Becaose i know, people there like to talk what is painfull to other and specialy if they are a bit doing better in their lives. And Holi, after having few pegs of my money, will give them a BAHANA to abuse us.
Tolerating all these things, still we are doing what we can do, not to save the income tax (god promise we have never mentioned even single penny spent in our village in our IT returns) but because of our weakness for each and every Bihari. Even against my wife.
So with my personal experience, i say it is our mentality to be changed.
And a clarification, i have not got even a single paisa for my development from Bihar government, specially for the part of my study which has given meaning to my life.
As i told earlier, i don't expect a word from a Rickshawpuller or a worker, if he tries to ceat me i will tolerate with a smile, but it pains me when an educated man, if not each and every, at least half of the light of his life is of our money has costed us, shouldnot do that. still i tolerate because i can't stop my self.

Posted By: prabhat

Posted On: Feb 15, 2004
Views: 586
Duty from our part

Maneesh ji,
you are talking in the same line of Rajeshji.when you say about the criticism of your's own, then this has some meaning for only those who have some thoughts in his/her mind.That can apply to an educated as well as uneducated person. But for those, who do not have a single paisa to fulfil their needs, cannot think about PLAN, AMBITION, FUTURE etc. For the poors, satisfying their hunger is the present and future. Beside politician(The hopeless!) the real respondibilty lie with those who have utilised the state money to get educated and after getting education they are sitting outside to read the news from paper and to write comments on the situation.

I think if we can follow our President's saying and can take responsibility to educate at least ten people, then this will have very long lasting result.Its the education only which can make the radical change to the life of a person and the state. Your comments.......?

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 14, 2004
Views: 608
Yes, but before that think and plan

Dear friends,
this is for all of us. Rajesh ji has told a PAALTOO (not phaaltoo) matter. It can be told by any one, at any time , for any one, and it will be true. But answer to it also lies in this question. See, most of the people in our society live without any programme, without any plan, without any ambition, but with lots of wishes and complaints. What one should do is, first evaluate yourself honestly, then decide a life aim, (to aim to become CM of Bihar is useless), then you will know the distance to be covered, then you will have certain ways to it, you should decide to follow a way suitable for you. No problem if it is a bit late just go ahead. Don't see what others are doing.
Strengthen yourself that will be the first socialwork you can do. Then see, everything will be changed.

Posted By: Rajesh

Posted On: Feb 13, 2004
Views: 660
What can we do??

All we know is to sit around and blame someone for all the problems. It is very characteristic of us. I think it is time to change our attitude to
"Don't think what state do for you but what you can do for the state".
We all see heap of garbage on roads outside our house but how many go out and clean it? We expect government at Patna and Delhi to repair and clean roads in our Muhalla. We blame government for not collecting tax, but do we do our duty and pay taxes?

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 13, 2004
Views: 669
More than Manjil and Karavan

Dear friends,
i don't want rather don't have any manjil in Bihar, but i want the people there to live in harmony. And for that more than any KARAVAN, i need just nice friendship between all of us. As some has pointed out wrightly, this forum doesn't make even 0.0001% of Bihar; but i am sure if we could understand each other, we could feel the similarity among all of us, our single goal- to make Bihar free of downward trend, the multyfacetedness of its problems; and each of us could wrightly suggest a way honestly, if any of us could think differently after this discussion, i think the labour of the people maintaining this site will be meaningfull.

Posted By: Pravin Sinha

Posted On: Feb 12, 2004
Views: 713

Akela chalaa tha Manjile safar ko, log judte gaye aur karwaan banta chalaa gayaa.

Manishji aap kisi ki baat ka buraa mat maaniye. Aap chalte jaayiye log aapse judte jaayenge.

Meanwhile thanks to NawinJi, Dr. Manish and PandeyJi. PandeyJi please continue with your postings, aakhir koi sach-chai se aankh to mod nahin saktaa na. Bihar main aaj jo bhi ho rahaa hai woh sab ke saamne hai. Mera yakin rakhiye, ye raat ab khatam hi hone waali hai aur phir se sabera hoga.

Posted By: Nawin Kumar

Posted On: Feb 12, 2004
Views: 707
To Dr. Manish

I have one great solution for you.Delete all the cookies from your machine and get your problem solved!
[P.S. : Cookie is a program which stores the details for last GADBAD you have done on inetrnet]

Anyway thanks a lot to you Dr. Manish for your small pills.

Posted By: Dr.Manish kumar

Posted On: Feb 12, 2004
Views: 704
To the editor

your voting machine is not suitable for Bihar. It has marked my internet connection. It is not accepting even second time vote! We are habituated of voting for minimum of 10 times, at least all the fingers should be coloured. Also your cmment sftware is not good. When my frieds asked for smaall pills and i posted multiple small posts it was refusing to accept, that to in a Bihari manner - "you have posted one comment just now, please wait. Even my mother used to be tired of listening to me and my wife's sleep is getting disturbed with my KHUTUR PUTUR but they never trefused to listen me. Sir aap apne masheen ko batala dijiye aadami dekh kar kanoon batayaye, han.

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